What did I break ?

New user, not real computer literate with New Kiwi2.

Connected to ethernet port on my laptop that is on wifi but setup for sharing ethernet port.

Found it using 2xxxx.proxy.kiwisdr.com. Was a bit confused since it said new zealand as location, but hooked antenna and tuned and it was mine! Hear local AMs and WWV.

Logged in to my admin page using the /admin url and set up as desired.

I can't remember, but I think it was the middle selection of choices for IP (public?) in the choice of internet connections/proxy. I didn't enter any IPs, just clicked on that one selection that was showing IP that shows to world. 97. something.

I then registered it successfully on some page and then did the reset as setup page said to do.

Now, I can't connect using the original 2xxxx.proxy.kiwisdr.com. or the /admin page.

Cycled power a few times, no help. It doesn't appear on the kiwi map.

Using my.kiwisdr.com, I see what appears to be my local IP, see attached.

If click on any of those links I get a time out of no connect.

Blue leds flashing in nice pattern, I presume telling me that IP.

IF I clear the mykiwisdr.com page and cycle power on kiwi, it will display it again so it is connected locally.

I think I did something wrong in selecting how it connects to internet and locked it out ?

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How to fix ?

I think its ok to put this out with my serial # since admin is still password protected.


  • More investigation showed if I used the laptop that is providing ethernet wifi, I can connect !

    So, now back in admin ok.

    What do I select for connecting to internet ?

    domain name, duc domain, reverse proxy, public IP, or specified IP ?

    I was using Public IP but that not working it seems.

    I think I should use the reverse proxy? It is showing my serial number, etc.

  • Yes, I believe reverse proxy is what you want and is the default.



  • Working now !

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