Clicking [Email] Owner/Admin link on Stat page kills the waterfall [fixed in v1.666]

edited March 2024 in Problems Now Fixed

Loving the KiwiSDR 2, and hoping to bring it up to the radio this week!

I don't think has been mentioned before (apologies if I missed it).

On the "Stat" tab of the main control panel, if I click on the "Owner/Admin" link, it correctly opens a Compose Message window in my email client, BUT the waterfall stops, the receiver sound mutes, and the control panel now shows "audio underrun", as shown below. It happens consistently for me.

As you can see, this is with the latest software, v1.665; it happens both when running on the local network (192.168 etc) and via the reverse proxy service.

Environment: macOS 10.15.7, latest Chrome (122.0.6261.112).

Restarting the Kiwi and running locally, the last "normal" line in the log is at 07:28:18; the line at 07:28:45 occurs after clicking "Owner/Admin". The remainder of the log is included.

Mon Mar 11 07:28:18 02:18:31.724 0... 0    L 14060.00 kHz usb z6  "vk2sky" Sydney, Australia (ARRIVED)
Mon Mar 11 07:28:45 02:18:58.346 .... 0    L 14060.00 kHz usb z6  "vk2sky" Sydney, Australia (LEAVING after 0:00:32)
Mon Mar 11 07:29:06 02:19:19.407 0... 0      RSID: init
Mon Mar 11 07:29:06 02:19:19.409 0... 0      TLIMIT-IP connecting LIMIT OKAY cur:1 < lim:120 for
Mon Mar 11 07:29:06 02:19:19.409 0... 0      PWD kiwi SND ALLOWED: no config pwd set, allow any (

Is it just me?

Refreshing the browser page restores normal operation of the receiver.

Thanks & 73 Richard VK2SKY


  • Missed a word: "and hoping to bring it up to the radio *CLUB* this week!"

  • Same here. (Kiwi 1 with debian 8 and software 1.664; firefox 123.0.1)

  • Well, well. This old bug. This is a browser problem that has persisted for the better part of a decade. Almost all browsers close web sockets when a link is clicked containing an href=mailto: Safari is one browser that handles it correctly.

    But after a Google I see that in 2020 someone figured out how to get Firefox to work. And indeed it does. So I'll add that to the next release. Unfortunately Chrome and Opera are still broken.

  • edited March 2024

    I tried, '_blank');

    Instead of

    kiwi_reload_page({ url:s });

    In sendmail function (kiwi_util.js). It seems to be working.

  • I checked this in Chrome on Windows 7. But Chrome is a old version. I'll check later on the updated Chrome Windows 10.

  • jksjks
    edited March 2024

    Hey thanks! I had tried target="_blank" in the anchor element, but that didn't work.

    Your solution has the nasty side-effects with Safari and Firefox mentioned on the Google searches I did (dead blank tab, audio glitch, permission panel, etc). But there is already browser detection in the Kiwi code because it has to do other browser-specific stuff. So we have a solution now for all the browsers (the major ones at least). Thanks again!

  • jksjks
    edited March 2024

    Our postings crossed. When I first tried your suggestion the background process that copies code changes from my laptop to the BBAI-64 that I test with had died. So I wasn't actually testing your suggestion. So I deleted that post when I discovered your change actually works! lol

  • Yes. But my solution to the problem was accidental))) I didn't figure out what the kiwi_reload_page function does! Or I didn't want to)))

  • jksjks
    edited March 2024

    Yeah, kiwi_reload_page() is slightly obscure. It's an attempt to encapsulate all the occurrences of and window.location.href= into one place rather than have them scattered all over the code (although I see now I missed a few places).

    And it processes a consistent set of options passed through an object { url, hp, path, qs, tab } Mostly because when (someday) we switch to using SSL there needs to be some common changes in how this is all done.

  • I understand. Trying to optimize the source code in most cases makes it very difficult to understand it ))

  • Thanks jks, there's no bug like an old bug! 😄

    73 Richard VK2SKY

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