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KiwiSDR 2 shipping status



  • Notified of Shipping on the 4th, estimated delivery on the 12th. It arrived today the 8th at 10 am.

    Connected up, configured and updated without a hitch. Online and first 'customer' within the hour.

    Was just about to install the ant_switch extension, but I see from the git page that it is to be incorporated into a future build, is that correct?

  • Was just about to install the ant_switch extension, but I see from the git page that it is to be incorporated into a future build, is that correct?

    Yes, the next release integrates it. But it does no harm to install the current one. The configuration you setup will be copied over to the integrated one.

  • I have to build the new switch, so will see who gets there first.

  • jksjks
    edited March 8

    Is this your own design that would require a new "backend" script? Or one that uses the Beagle GPIOs?

    I don't think any of the currently supported switches are kits, are they? Could be wrong about that..

  • I'm using the Beagle GPIOs and a switch board with opto isolators from Amazon. It draws very little current (trigger current 5ma) and and can be set to active high or low on input. It needs no extra components other than some BNCs. I boxed it up in a diecast box with BNCs. The board is for 8 channels and is less the £10. I have another board coming today for the V2 Kiwi. AEDIKO 8 Channel Relay Module DC 5V Relay Switch with Optocoupler Isolation High/Low Level Trigger : Business, Industry & Science

  • edited March 9

    Problem resolved.

  • jksjks
    edited March 9

    Okay, just know that those GPIOs are 3.3V MAX. So don't backfeed 5V into them. Worse, they also go to FPGA input pins. So putting 5V on them could possibly destroy the Kiwi and Beagle both.

  • Retrieved mine on Thursday, what an amazing piece of art.

    Thanks a lot.

    Kind 73, Jean-Michel - F5MMX

  • My Kiwi2 also arrived. Thank you.

    Customs duty in Poland cost EUR 97

  • Second build shipping begins Monday 25 March. You'll get an email from Shopify/DHL in the next several weeks. DHL has been taking 7-10 days to deliver.

This discussion has been closed.