KiwiSDR listening on my iPhone stops when my screen turned off in Safari browser
When I on my commute I wanna listen to SDR's on my iPhone on my Safari browser but every time my screen goes dark the audio is muted automatically. Is there a fix for maybe a setting on my iPhone besides don't turn of my screen off?
No one can help me out?
That's what I do now indeed, but I searching for a method to close my screen because of battery life and and that I can continue listening but that isn't working with KiwiSDR on my iPhone it close/mute the audio.
Sorry that app isn't working. It close the audio immediately when I try to put 'black screen' on.
I've got 2 phones....and just found my iphone does this too, but my Android phone stays on. I'll have to see what the youtube link above has to say.
For me it's not working though. Or I have the wrong one installed, it's called screen lock?