A quick update: Prototypes are due back December 20. As soon as we decide they work, and the manufacturer passes our qualification for volume production, the online store will open. Hopefully a few days after Dec 20.
Depending on the early store orders we will then place a volume order with the manufacturer at a set quantity. This quantity may be less than the 400 or so expressions-of-interest we have received so far. So the first run will most likely sell out. But it will be followed by a second run as our cashflow gets bootstrapped.
Remember the first run is like an internal crowdfunding. Like the Kickstarter we ran in 2016 that raised money for 350 units. So shipment of the first run will begin 4-6 weeks after our manufacturer begins production.
All of the other components to build complete systems have arrived or been ordered: cases, GPS antennas, self-test cables, BBGs, etc. So we just need working Kiwi boards.
We will initially sell the board-only Kiwi as a separate product. So those of you who need to replace a board or want to supply a more powerful host (e.g. BBAI-64) yourself can do so when the store opens.
Peter is also getting some one metre USB-A to 2.1/5.5mm DC jack cables made that will have sufficiently large wire gauge not to have voltage drop problems. These will be offered as a separate store item. Use it with a (relatively) low-noise Apple 2.1A USB-A SMPS you likely have in a drawer somewhere. Or one of those "Hi-Fi" 5V linear supplies on ebay/AliEx.
I'm trying to use Debian 12 in the system image. It is the latest "stable" version and has update support from debian.org until 2028.
There is a lot more in the works for the future. But we're concentrating on getting KiwiSDR 2 into production as soon as possible.
When you say "Hi-FI" 5v linear supply do you mean something like this?
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@johnk5mo There are instructions on the forum now for both BBAI* and BBAI-64. The plan is to get Debian 12 images for all three Beagle variants. AI-64 in particular requires a different image because it is arm64 architecture, not simply arm(32).
* The BBAI is still in production, but we no longer recommend it because of the thermal management problems everyone went through. Spend a few extra bucks on the AI-64 and its large heatsink. You don't even need a fan in most cases.
Where you can supply it line voltage and get DC jack and USB-A outputs. Much easier to deal with than wire posts. If required, be sure to tell them you need it strapped for 110V as 220V is the default.
Great news on the prototype! Thanks for clarifying on the "HiFi" 5v PS. But I think we can still do better ourselves. Hard to be sure from the CAD screen shots but I don't see a input line filter, there's no crowbar output protection which I consider an essential item to protect my KiwiSDR and IMHO the DC out needs a really good common mode isolator with ground DC isolated between mains side and 5v output. My own home brew PS is indistinguishable on the full bandwidth waterfall from a battery and linear regulator. I haven't found anything else for sale which could compare. I almost feel like there is a ready made market for someone to offer a really good power supply for this rig.
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I have bought two of this linear PSU in which one for KIWI1 and another one ready for KIWI 2(order has been placed). DC output carries very low ripple noise, I thought...
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I have bought two of this linear PSU in which one for KIWI1 and another one ready for KIWI 2(order has been placed). DC output carries very low ripple noise, I thought...
Basically for almost noise free power supply me prefer using batteries or accus. The mains here is polluted quite a lot especially due to solar power converter assy during summer time. Tried even shielded power cords and all kind of filters, however some noise still remains.
For instance: Gospell GR-216 shows in DRM SNR 12 using mains power supply (linear, no switching). And SNR 23 operating with 9V (6 pieces of D-cells 1,5 V).
Thus, will try to operate 5V input with suitable battery assy. Maybe 1 LiIon accu (3,7V) will be sufficient. For instance: Gospell receiver keeps operating on 9 V power input even it's voltage drops down to 6,8 V. This manner of operation may be used for temporary extrem reception conditions, where any noise should be eliminated as best as possible. For continuous operation one has to switch over to a permanent mains power supply as designed, I think.
On the power question: Although I'm no RFI expert, since there's a big 13.8v ham shack linear power supply close to my Kiwis, rather than the spendy 5v linear (which get hot in my experience), I now just feed shack power to a step down transformer to get as much 5 volts as I need (can also split off some 12v (13.8v) for the mag loops).
If you've already got DC nearby, I'll humbly suggest that as a potentially better (and cheaper) solution.
Glad I got my order in... I was late to the Kiwi game and thought I missed out forever. Looking forward to remote installing at my quiet place at Lake Merwin here in Washington State. 73 Todd KB7RQQ
Courtesy of our manufacturer Triode in Auckland triode.co.nz
KiwiSDR 2's being run on their production line today! 24 Jan 2024
(Click image for larger)
Pick-and-place machine movie as a .mov file: (headphone warning)
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This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.
"The BBAI is still in production, but we no longer recommend it because of the thermal management problems everyone went through. Spend a few extra bucks on the AI-64 and its large heatsink. You don't even need a fan in most cases."
Does this mean you recommend revisiting and updating orders already in for the KiwiSDR-2?
What? BBAI is not BBG, which is what the KiwiSDR 2 ships with. The BBG is fine.
The BBAI was the first attempt at a faster BBG/BBB. But it has been superseded by the BBAI-64. So nothing has changed as far as KiwiSDR 2 is concerned.
We've only printed up shipping labels for a few to test the Shopify/DHL integration. The actual shipping process will be slow because a software install and full system test is required on each unit.
If Shopify or DHL asks you to install some app don't worry about that. You'll get an email when yours ships and the store status will update.
There is DHL tracking information because some labels got printed. But at the last second we had a software issue. So nothing has actually been shipped yet.
A quick update: Prototypes are due back December 20. As soon as we decide they work, and the manufacturer passes our qualification for volume production, the online store will open. Hopefully a few days after Dec 20.
Depending on the early store orders we will then place a volume order with the manufacturer at a set quantity. This quantity may be less than the 400 or so expressions-of-interest we have received so far. So the first run will most likely sell out. But it will be followed by a second run as our cashflow gets bootstrapped.
Remember the first run is like an internal crowdfunding. Like the Kickstarter we ran in 2016 that raised money for 350 units. So shipment of the first run will begin 4-6 weeks after our manufacturer begins production.
All of the other components to build complete systems have arrived or been ordered: cases, GPS antennas, self-test cables, BBGs, etc. So we just need working Kiwi boards.
We will initially sell the board-only Kiwi as a separate product. So those of you who need to replace a board or want to supply a more powerful host (e.g. BBAI-64) yourself can do so when the store opens.
Peter is also getting some one metre USB-A to 2.1/5.5mm DC jack cables made that will have sufficiently large wire gauge not to have voltage drop problems. These will be offered as a separate store item. Use it with a (relatively) low-noise Apple 2.1A USB-A SMPS you likely have in a drawer somewhere. Or one of those "Hi-Fi" 5V linear supplies on ebay/AliEx.
I'm trying to use Debian 12 in the system image. It is the latest "stable" version and has update support from debian.org until 2028.
There is a lot more in the works for the future. But we're concentrating on getting KiwiSDR 2 into production as soon as possible.
When you say "Hi-FI" 5v linear supply do you mean something like this?
LT3042 + PNP 2-Stage Regulator Ultra Low Noise Linear Power Supply Board | eBay
https://www.ebay.com/itm/164919042920Have you investigated these then? I was looking for something that has a crowbar circuit on the output but haven't found anything yet.
Excellent news John. Looking forward to ordering as soon as available.
If we specify the BBG version, will there be an option (with hopefully some instructions) to upgrade the BB later?
@johnk5mo There are instructions on the forum now for both BBAI* and BBAI-64. The plan is to get Debian 12 images for all three Beagle variants. AI-64 in particular requires a different image because it is arm64 architecture, not simply arm(32).
* The BBAI is still in production, but we no longer recommend it because of the thermal management problems everyone went through. Spend a few extra bucks on the AI-64 and its large heatsink. You don't even need a fan in most cases.
@VE3QCX I'm thinking more like this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/175727515516
Where you can supply it line voltage and get DC jack and USB-A outputs. Much easier to deal with than wire posts. If required, be sure to tell them you need it strapped for 110V as 220V is the default.
The one prototype board I received today works fine.
Peter will test the remaining 5 boards this evening with his large antenna farm so we can do some proper A/B comparisons.
Great news on the prototype! Thanks for clarifying on the "HiFi" 5v PS. But I think we can still do better ourselves. Hard to be sure from the CAD screen shots but I don't see a input line filter, there's no crowbar output protection which I consider an essential item to protect my KiwiSDR and IMHO the DC out needs a really good common mode isolator with ground DC isolated between mains side and 5v output. My own home brew PS is indistinguishable on the full bandwidth waterfall from a battery and linear regulator. I haven't found anything else for sale which could compare. I almost feel like there is a ready made market for someone to offer a really good power supply for this rig.
Got any insight on your PS? What crowbar circuit did you use for your homebrew setup? Input line filtering...what'd you use there?
KiwiSDR 2 production status - Page 2
https://forum.kiwisdr.com/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/17300#Comment_17300what a coincidence.
I have bought two of this linear PSU in which one for KIWI1 and another one ready for KIWI 2(order has been placed). DC output carries very low ripple noise, I thought...
Final new feature set: (click for larger)
KiwiSDR 2 production status - Page 2
https://forum.kiwisdr.com/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/17305#Comment_17305what a coincidence.
I have bought two of this linear PSU in which one for KIWI1 and another one ready for KIWI 2(order has been placed). DC output carries very low ripple noise, I thought...
Basically for almost noise free power supply me prefer using batteries or accus. The mains here is polluted quite a lot especially due to solar power converter assy during summer time. Tried even shielded power cords and all kind of filters, however some noise still remains.
For instance: Gospell GR-216 shows in DRM SNR 12 using mains power supply (linear, no switching). And SNR 23 operating with 9V (6 pieces of D-cells 1,5 V).
Thus, will try to operate 5V input with suitable battery assy. Maybe 1 LiIon accu (3,7V) will be sufficient. For instance: Gospell receiver keeps operating on 9 V power input even it's voltage drops down to 6,8 V. This manner of operation may be used for temporary extrem reception conditions, where any noise should be eliminated as best as possible. For continuous operation one has to switch over to a permanent mains power supply as designed, I think.
For Kiwi SDR 2, what is the input voltage tolerance at the barrel connector?
Same as Kiwi-1. About 4.75 (although 4.85 is better) to 5.5
On the power question: Although I'm no RFI expert, since there's a big 13.8v ham shack linear power supply close to my Kiwis, rather than the spendy 5v linear (which get hot in my experience), I now just feed shack power to a step down transformer to get as much 5 volts as I need (can also split off some 12v (13.8v) for the mag loops).
If you've already got DC nearby, I'll humbly suggest that as a potentially better (and cheaper) solution.
Glad I got my order in... I was late to the Kiwi game and thought I missed out forever. Looking forward to remote installing at my quiet place at Lake Merwin here in Washington State. 73 Todd KB7RQQ
Courtesy of our manufacturer Triode in Auckland triode.co.nz
KiwiSDR 2's being run on their production line today! 24 Jan 2024
(Click image for larger)
Pick-and-place machine movie as a .mov file: (headphone warning)
As an mp4: (headphone warning)
Ni John, excellent, beautiful, thank you very much for the images and video. Best regards, Philippe
Perfect! 😉👍
Neat! Thanks for sharing these!
Awesomeee!! Thank you for updating us!
Thanks! never have seen one in operation
"The BBAI is still in production, but we no longer recommend it because of the thermal management problems everyone went through. Spend a few extra bucks on the AI-64 and its large heatsink. You don't even need a fan in most cases."
Does this mean you recommend revisiting and updating orders already in for the KiwiSDR-2?
What? BBAI is not BBG, which is what the KiwiSDR 2 ships with. The BBG is fine.
The BBAI was the first attempt at a faster BBG/BBB. But it has been superseded by the BBAI-64. So nothing has changed as far as KiwiSDR 2 is concerned.
Got the message yesterday. It's in the mail, coming to Athens, Greece! 😎
Tnx es 73 de SV1SYY Nik
Got the message yesterday. It's in the mail, coming to Athens, Greece! 😎
Yours shipped? I never got a shipment confirmation for mine.
We've only printed up shipping labels for a few to test the Shopify/DHL integration. The actual shipping process will be slow because a software install and full system test is required on each unit.
If Shopify or DHL asks you to install some app don't worry about that. You'll get an email when yours ships and the store status will update.
Thank you.
Not yet shipped, the DHL tracking states "Shipment information received WELLINGTON - NEW ZEALAND".
Good luck with them gators! Thanks for everything!
There is DHL tracking information because some labels got printed. But at the last second we had a software issue. So nothing has actually been shipped yet.
We've made good progress on our software issue. Just doing some careful testing now.
Then I need to make up a new set of "golden master" SD cards for the test & assembly guy to use and he can start shipping them (for real this time).