There will be proxy service downtime/restarts as the crashing problem is debugged.

Locked for development?

edited April 2017 in Problems Now Fixed
I had a UPS failure today and am pretty sure the Kiwi came back up with the rest of my environment when I temporarily bypassed the UPS.   I am also pretty certain I then properly shut the Kiwi and Beagle down using the admin control page before swapping the UPS.  After swapping out the UPS and coming up again, the Kiwi is reporting this message to a user login:
"Sorry, this KiwiSDR server is being used for development right now.".

The log is very short:

Tue Apr 25 20:51:11 2017 0:00:00 ....      KiwiSDR v1.77 --------------------------------------------------------------------
Tue Apr 25 20:51:11 2017 0:00:00 ....      compiled: Apr 22 2017 19:15:48
Tue Apr 25 20:51:11 2017 0:00:00 ....      Debian 8
Tue Apr 25 20:51:11 2017 0:00:00 ....      reading configuration from file /root/kiwi.config/kiwi.json: 115 tokens
Tue Apr 25 20:51:11 2017 0:00:00 ....      reading configuration from file /root/kiwi.config/admin.json: 39 tokens
Tue Apr 25 20:51:12 2017 0:00:00 ....      serial number from EEPROM: 1131
Tue Apr 25 20:51:12 2017 0:00:00 ....      reading configuration from file /root/kiwi.config/dx.json: 7052 tokens
Tue Apr 25 20:51:12 2017 0:00:00 ....      883 dx entries
Tue Apr 25 20:51:12 2017 0:00:00 ....      down by lock file 
Tue Apr 25 20:51:12 2017 0:00:00 .... TASK: jmp_buf demangle key 0x85da336a 

I can only guess the "down by lock file" is a hint, but not useful to me :)   I then forced a rebuild and it came back up with v1.78 but the exact same behavior.  The log file has the same messages, the only difference being the demangle key is a different hex value.

Hopefully there is an easy fix for this?


  • Hmm, the "down by lock file" in the actual log page must have something hidden so the "file&nbsp" followed by a blank line was not seen.  It just shows up with the copy and paste for this query.
  • If the server finds the file "~root/.kiwi_down" it will display the "down for development" message when anyone tries to connect.
    But the only way this file is created is by running the "kd" command. You should never be using the "kd" command during normal use.
    Using the "ku" (Kiwi up) command yes, as this is a quick way of doing a restart of the server when you have a console connection.
    But if you do a "kd" and then reboot you'll be in this "down for development" state until you do a "ku" to clear it.

    p.s. This command is a leftover from the early days of development when my Kiwi was the only one publicly available. When I was doing development I left a server running on public port 8073 in the down state while another server on another non-public port was used locally for getting work done. This seemed better than just having the server not respond. Now days it doesn't matter.

  • OK, my fault.  Indeed I had run "kd".  I do not recall now in all the confusion of recovering from the UPS failure, but at some point I thought I needed to use ssh.  I looked in my notes from when I first got the Kiwi and found the kd command and thought that was the ssh way to shutdown the kiwi, followed by shutdown now for the Beagle.

    Sorry about that.   ku of course did the trick.


  • Okay, well in the next release the server will ignore that file.

    On my infinite list is going on a campaign to remove all the dead development code that is slowing coming back to haunt us.

  • I do not envy you that difficult task!

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