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TDOA - Scan never completes [fixed in v1.563]



  • Tremendous, John, thank you. As and when...

  • jksjks
    edited October 2022

    Okay, please update to v1.563 and see if my fix works for you. @m0taz_1 I'd like to know if the fix works for you as well.


  • I assume I have to wait for the Kiwi providers to update their software, as I'm merely accessing their page on the web.

  • Wow! I just tried the extension via the KERNOW KiwiSDR - it worked perfectly. This is awesome stuff, what a great job, John! Thank you so much for your attention to this.

  • As you've probably figured out, you only need the update on the Kiwi you're running the extension on. Not the sampling stations.

  • Thanks, John, it's working perfectly.

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