DDNS from KiwiSDR
The router in my parent's house is unable to login to DDNS.NET which is not configured inside, would it be possible to include the DDNS registering into the KiwiSDR ?
The router in my parent's house is unable to login to DDNS.NET which is not configured inside, would it be possible to include the DDNS registering into the KiwiSDR ?
And there is no computer in this house, only an android tablet.
And this is also why I need a solution to "register" a Netgear 1000 to no-ip without having a PC.
If it is not possible to include the no-ip client in the kiwi, I will use a Raspebrry just for this usage, I only need to know that I need to buy another Raspberry for this (I already have 4 or 5).
root@kiwi:~# pks dyndns
available pkgs:
ddclient - address updating utility for dynamic DNS services
dyndns - dynamic DNS (DDNS) update client implemented in Perl
ez-ipupdate - client for most dynamic DNS services
ipcheck - Dyndns.org client to register your dynamic IP address
tinydyndns - pop-before-dyndns service using djbdns
root@kiwi:~# al pks
alias pks='echo available pkgs:; apt-cache search'
With the noip2.sh as a service :-)
A host name is missing : in the routers configuration, you have 3 fields : host name, login, password.
Thanks a lot.
Yes yes yes it works (thanks remote control of Kiwi). Thanks a lot ! I remove the RPI tomorrow.
Just a question, what is the update period of the DDNS ?