LAN is OFF KIWI needs restart after last update
HI All.
Does it happen only to me ?
It happens that after a switched OFF state being daily or after some days on starting the KIWI_RX it goes ON ,
the LAN revives with the socket leds blinking then the first blu led on the KIWI's left blinks and the LAN is OFF.
Need to restart OFF-ON it manually.
That is happening after the last updates (last is 1.77)
For the long period without updates , during the 1.64 or 65 the KIWI started always OK, but happened also some time ago after an update
Is this a normal operation mode or some problem in my unit ?
That means that I have to integrate a KIWI_Restart plus a webcam to see what is going on in the remote site.
Does it happen only to me ?
It happens that after a switched OFF state being daily or after some days on starting the KIWI_RX it goes ON ,
the LAN revives with the socket leds blinking then the first blu led on the KIWI's left blinks and the LAN is OFF.
Need to restart OFF-ON it manually.
That is happening after the last updates (last is 1.77)
For the long period without updates , during the 1.64 or 65 the KIWI started always OK, but happened also some time ago after an update
Is this a normal operation mode or some problem in my unit ?
That means that I have to integrate a KIWI_Restart plus a webcam to see what is going on in the remote site.
My modem-router is an old Netgear DG834 and has the DHCP ON and I think it is stil working fine....
>ZKD: not sure about your suggestion. I use already a fixed IP for the KIWI, I have red somewhere the option to set the MAC into the router instead of the IP but not jet used.
As written before: when the LAN is OFF no connection is possible to the KIWI-rx.
>JKS: my PSU is a 22Vdc/1.5Amp and I reduce to +5 via a lm317 plus a fan to get the heather cooler.
It is a waste of energy I know (I have dozens of little trafo-psu but nothing with a steady +5 or +9),
it was my only choice from the KIWI start and am waiting (QRL is more important) to build a
psu with a new 8Vac/1.8Amp trafo.
Jim ZKD makes a strong observation abt Debian waiting\or-not for the LAN connection.
Let us see what the further development will bring in such small super box.