A few questions prior to purchase. [BBB/BBG differences, GPS antennas]
I was all set to purchase a kit version of the Kiwi this weekend but it seems it is out of stock so I have decided to purchase the board & Beaglebone separately. I do however have a few questions prior to purchasing.
When purchasing a Beaglebone am I right in saying that there is no difference I terms of performance between the BB Green and BB Black? I gather there is no benefit when it comes to Kiwi SDR of buying the Black over the Green apart from the HDMI output, which I would for setup is not used?
I wish to put the kit into a case, can anyone recommend any?
Finally the kit comes with a GPS antenna, I know zilch about the purpose of the GPS antenna or if it is even required. Will any GPS antenna do the job & any recommendations?
Anything else I need to know?