How clean is my KiwiSDR setup

My setup linear PS 10v CT trans, 20kuf filter LM317/2N3055 linear reg, showing pic 50ohm termination RF input Kiwi & regulator in plastic case, floating double insulated transformer in its own plastic case

@15Mhz CWn -127dBm AMw -116dBm S meter reading

Im guessing its OK whats the typical noise floor for a clean power supply ??




  • Hi Frank,

    That looks clean, and the distribution of noise looks to be correct.

    The fun starts when you connect your antenna, mainly because of introducing other conducted paths for noise to ingress.

    As a further test, connect just the ground from your antenna connection cable to the ground of the KiWi, and see what changes.

    Then try and fix / resolve any additional noise you can see, before fully utilising the antenna.

    Common mode chokes, galvanic isolation, and additional filtering of the power supply, network and GPS cable may all help.



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