What an impressing radio the KiwiSDR really is.
I bought my first KiwiSDR in the autumn of 2016. It has been on 24 hours all days and years since. That is over 70000 hours without any problems. It has been an amazing journey with a constructor that really stands behind his product. The continuous evolution of the firmware is itself impressive enough. I have many radios after 50 years as a licensed ham radio operator. KiwiSDR is by far one of my best investments ever. Many many thanks John. 73 de Hans LA9LT
Unfortunately things are not good on our end. And haven't been for a long time. So it's always nice to get a positive message every so often.
I have to agree with Hans: every day I'm impressed anew with how well this radio does it's job. And beyond! I didn't know half the things it could do until I owned one and saw all the extensions and how to use them. Best utility receiver of all time, hands down. Man I'm grateful this exists.
Bruce KF7K https://kiwi.kf7k.com
I agree. I love my Kiwi. I havent had it for too long, however have learnt a lot already, and use it just about every day.
There is always something to tweak, change or, buy..... sorry credit card.
I have said this before, but I consider the KiWi to probably be the best radio hobby related purchases I've ever made, and it has reinvigorated my interest in Short Wave listening, and utility monitoring.
Nearly every week I discover something new, or an enhancement that John has implemented. Which is in stark contrast to other developers, who often immediately dismiss legitimate requests from users and admins.
The TDoA function is a stand-out feature, that has made an otherwise difficult aspect of the hobby, IDing the location of unknown transmitters, become relatively straightforward.
I have recently swapped out my computer monitor from the 22" model I was using, to a repurposed 44" 4K TV, and it's a game changer. Being able to see a vast swathe of spectrum, in relative HD, is superb, and makes spotting unusual signals, or patterns of signals, very easy.
My sincere thanks to John for continuing to support the KiWi, despite the extremely difficult trading environment, and to all the others who have contributed in some way, it is much appreciated.