Help! Frustrated! KiwiSDR no longer works [fixed]

My KiwiSDR can no longer be accessed either locally or over the web.

I can ping it:


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64

Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64

Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64

Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for

   Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

   Minimum = 1ms, Maximum = 1ms, Average = 1ms

But going to on any browser on different machines gives me a server not found error. I have the router set to allocate the name kiwisdr to it but I get the same error when trying to access it that way (http://kiwisdr.local:8073/)

I tried resetting the KiwiSDR and that didn't change anything.

What can I do?


  • jksjks
    edited February 12

    What's the serial number? I can check the logs on and see if it sent any info there (e.g. if the "" feature is enabled or if it's a public Kiwi and is trying to register, or if it's setup to use the proxy service).

    Email to if you don't want to give the info here.

  • There is a 4781 written on it and a barcode on the side with BBG220034637.

    I have it updating but don't know enough to have gotten any proxy service or public operation working.

    I did have a port through my router but in troubleshooting deleting that so would have to restore it.

  • In theory, it should be at as I restored the port forward in the router.

  • jksjks
    edited February 12

    It last booted 1 feb according to the thing. The check-open-port function was used a couple of times. The community DX list downloaded a bunch of times. Last activity feb 4. Then nothing. But I wouldn't expect much more than this. Except that if you restarted it recently there should have been more recent info.

    Have you tried decoding the LEDs to see what DHCP-assigned local IP address it's getting?

  • The LEDs thing is confusing. I set the router to give the unit a static IP and I can ping it successfully. If I unplug the network cable the pings fail so I am sure it is at and that the processor is running since it responds to the pings.

    Could the last firmware update have failed leaving me with this situation?

    Can I force an update to try and fix this?

  • Can you open a Windows command screen and "ssh debian@" using the 4781 serial number as password?

  • I seem in: Debian Image 2016-05-13


    default username:password is [debian:temppwd]

    debian@'s password:


  • It might be easiest if you could map port 22 (ssh) on your router to point to this Kiwi. But first change the debian account password to something besides the serial number and send it to our support email. Do this for the root account as well since you're running Debian 8. Then I can login and figure out what's going on. Rebuilding the system if necessary.

    I suppose an external ssh might be affected by how draconian your ISP is about outside connections. There's always remote desktop I suppose. But that's such a terrible and time consuming experience..

  • I set port 22 to go to the kiwiSDR. I can also set the outside port to something else and still map to 22 on the kiwi.

    I changed the root password and sent it in an email to the support email address.

    I don't know what the username is so not sure how to change the password on that.


  • Thank you again John for getting to the bottom of this and gtting me running again.

    I will now figure out how to make this accessible to the public and learn what I can do with the GPS connection I recently made.


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