Maximum possible number of simultaneous users

Dear all,

I just received my KiwiSDR v.2.

I would like to ask 2 questions:

- how many simultaneous external users does KiwiSDR v.2 allow by default?

- what options should I modify in the Admin interface tab to allow the maximum possible number of simultaneous users?

Many thanks in advance,




  • Same as with Kiwi-1. The number of simultaneous users varies depending on the FPGA configuration selected on the admin page, "mode" tab.

    But there are compromises as described in the text on that page. In 8 channel mode only 2 can have a waterfall. In 20.25 kHz wide audio bandwidth mode there can only be 3 channels etc.

  • Now I understand what those FPGA mode images mean!


  • In addition.

    If you have more than the specified number of users trying to connect, the additional ones can "queue" to wait for the next free slot, or "camp" where they can "piggyback" onto an existing user and hear just the audio.

    This is useful when you have a lot of users all wanting to listen to the same thing, such as a popular amateur radio net.

    The maximum number of campers can be defined in the "Control" admin page.



  • Thanks Martin. I always forget about that feature, and I wrote it! lol

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