I recently noticed a nice addition that never caught my eye. RF tab has ability to attenuate RF signal. And to change antennas (not activated) My focus is RF attenuation which is greyed out. There is a slider to select attenuation. Also greyed out non-functional. KIWI Server in CONFIG TAB give me options to select everyone can change,,, or only local connection...or local connections with PW. I rebooted the server a few times and this RF attenuator is not active.
SERVER is running VER 1.708 NOV 23rd 2024
What can I do to make it work?
If it's a Kiwi-1 on the user page RF tab when you hover over the RF attn slider or buttons you should get a popup that says "no RF attenuator on KiwiSDR 1".
On the admin config tab the "Allow RF attenuator switching by:" menu should probably be greyed out on Kiwi-1s. But it isn't currently.
Only the Kiwi-2 hardware has the electronic attenuator.
Thanks I have a KIWI 1. It may have been the first time I selected RF on the SDR and saw this feature.