Additional user authentication - feature proposal


Basically, the functionality is already there, the only thing missing is the [public after entering password] button.

We force additional authentication, better than crappy CAPTCHA

In the Webpage admin tab, it is at the bottom:

Additional HTML for user password entry page (when a user password has been set)

There we enter a hint for a normal user so that they can enter only after entering a key word, it can be a word puzzle or something. Then, in the Security administration tab, select: Number of channels

not requiring a password

even if password set -none- and in the next window the password/key

The receiver then disappears from the list of public Kiwis, which is why such a tag is needed.

I know that sloths don't even want to write their name or sign, but now they will have to make an effort ;)



  • You can add your own html code with graphics, it looks like this for me

  • The problem yesterday was with programs or scripts using the Kiwi API (application programming interface) to connect in an uncontrolled manner. This is the same API used by kiwirecorder etc. and does not use the Kiwi user interface running on the browser. So adding anything in the admin "additional HTML" field is simply not seen by these connections.

  • Ok, I'll leave it as it is and free one channel to be indexed on the public list, maybe it will be useful someday

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