Default frequency steps
Hello all, new KiwiSDR 2 owner here. Firstly, i'm really impressed with the features and operation, especially the extensions and low bandwidth requirements. I have been using SDR Console for quite a few years now and 2 things I am missing with Kiwi are customising the default frequency steps when using the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard - 10hz and fidelity/detail in the waterfall. Can default steps be set to 100hz when using the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard? I know I can click on the various - and + buttons on screen but holding a button down doesn't auto repeat, the arrow keys do, so many mouse clicks needed. The other thing i'm wondering about is the fidelity/detail of the waterfall, can this be improved to show/differentiate signals more clearly? Weak signals can be very difficult to spot. Does anyone recommend any custom waterfall settings?
I would have to add an admin setting to change the frequency step size. Right now there are multiple defaults used that are band and mode dependent.
Auto repeat when holding down the step buttons is a possibility. I fairly recently added a general "touch/click-hold" capability to buttons. So for example holding down on the VFO A/B button does a VFO A=B equalization operation. Holding the freq memory icon does a freq save etc.
The waterfall FFT resolution cannot be improved because there are not enough CPU cycles left on the Beagle. Are you zooming in though? The waterfall is capable of a ridiculous max zoom, although at a large reduction in update speed. Also, try different color maps and carefully adjust the WF colormap max/min settings. They can make a big difference.
Hi John, thanks for a prompt reply. I'm not asking for any developments, i'm sure you have more than enough to do without trying to accommodate the hundreds of suggestions and the day to day support! I was just wondering if I was missing something. I have found that using the grey theme and zooming in helps a lot as well as tweaking the waterfall settings so all is now good there. Auto repeat on the - and + frequency buttons would be good though if you have a future development list to add it to......