KiwiSDR 2 shipping status
Please, we ask for your patience. Please do not email us asking for individual shipping status. But please do email us with any other support questions.
You should receive an email from the Shopify/DHL system with tracking details once your order ships. DHL has been taking 7-10 days to deliver. Remember, they will contact you (email) to arrange payment of VAT/GST if applicable.
Your order number determines your position in the shipping queue. The first order number of build #2 is #1250. So if your order number is #1350 there are 100 shipments ahead of you in the queue.
Each Kiwi must be assembled, programmed and throughly tested. The "latest order number shipped" given here is to help you judge when yours might ship.
Thank you.
This is the information sheet that will be inside every KiwiSDR 2 box. The serial number and default admin password fields will be filled in. The language translations are via Google, so apologies if they are less than satisfactory.
Note the serial number based proxy URL that you can use to access your KiwiSDR 2 assuming it's connected to a local network that has Internet access. The Operating Information page has been updated with additional information for new KiwiSDR 2 owners.
This is good news, John. Thanks for the update
UPDATE: The problem described below has been identified and is no longer an issue. It was an unfortunate side-effect of ongoing work to try and provide a way to do Kiwi binary releases. That is, no longer having to build from source code (and the long amount of time it takes to do so).
When you receive your KiwiSDR 2 DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, do any sort of Debian upgrade from the delivered Debian 11.8. Otherwise you may brick your Kiwi server (Debian should continue to run).
The Beagle guys have been at it again and have changed the way the SPI interface works. I need to understand the change and compensate for it in a later Kiwi release.
Thank you.
KiwiSDR 2 shipping status kiwiSDR 1 uses Debian 8.5 and it operates very well. No idea about the advantages for upgrading this OS version ... 😅
Awesomeee!! Will wait for mine. Thanks for the update!
#12 received today in Minnesota. Amazing!
@JIMMY0311 Sure, Debian 8 works fine. But it is no longer supported by and hasn't had security updates in a long, long time. And some people will care about things like that. Others will argue that it doesn't matter given how/where their Kiwi is used.
KiwiSDR 2 shipping status arrived in Wisconsin today. Absolutely amazing fast shipping, DHL did well!
Just arrived 😀
Can any of you USA guys who have gotten yours already please describe what was involved with paying any import fees? Just wondering if the delivery person accepted cash on the spot, or if you had to go pay anything at the post office before they would let you take the delivery? Or were there not any fees?
In the USA there should be no import fees/taxes if the total value of your order is below US $800.
DHL will almost certainly contact people ahead of delivery via the phone/email you provided on the order to arrange payment.
Like was said, DHL asked for nothing and I paid nothing. I just waived the signature requirement online and gave delivery instructions then when I had a shipping notification, and they dropped it close to where I asked earlier than anticipated. (Mine was predicted to show the 19th, showed up on the 15th instead.)
For me the import tax is about 33 USD (1053 Taiwan dollars)
Nice, thank you all.
In Sweden, the land of taxes, I paid approx 250 USD for two units in tax. Order anything outside EU is really expensive...
Received the complete unit and got it working in minutes, it's great!
Taxes here in the Netherlands were 111 Euro.
73, Albert PA3GUK
Well dang, I'm #1072....
@KU4BY Our guy worked the weekend assembling, programming and testing units. So he's got a bunch now ready to fill orders. Should be just another day or two for you..
Watching excitedly, I'm #1148. Thanks for the hard work getting these going and out. Can't wait to get it in action. 73! KB7RQQ
@jks Thanks! I just received the shipping e-mail a couple of hours ago.
My 2 just arrived in Louisiana 5 days early with no hassle. Thanks John!
My two just arrived, it took exactly 1 week after the initial mail that the parcel had been posted.
I thank John and his team for this great achievment for the SDR community: THANK YOU!
The customs process was completely digital and could be paid for instantly via PayPal,
fees were 144.06 € for two within one parcel.
#1162 received in Wellington, New Zealand this morning 28-Feb. Simple setup, up and running in minutes.
Hello, KiwiSDR #1121 arrived today after multiple quick DHL stops, Singapore, Bahrain, Leipzig, Brussels, Bordeaux and here Trémolat (France). Mounted in its rack today, it works perfectly. Many thanks to John and the whole team. You are amazing. Best regards, Philippe
Received today (wednesday), shipping notice received saturday, ie 4 days shipping to LA incl customs handling. Not bad from what is basically our antipode.
Approx 100 euros in custums charges (VAT) and handling fee through customs.
Up and running in less than 30 minutes. (Had an sdcard with image ready and a spare BBG).
73 de Olaf - LA3RK
Already received Shipping Notice for #1184! So Excited!!!
Thank you John & Team for all your efforts and financial engagement. Received my Kiwi2 here in Germany today, which was quick - and it worked right out of the box! Great! Software is simply fantastic and a such joy to use.
This is a spare part to me, my Kiwi1 still works fine ;-)
Taxes are annoying, I paid exactly 101 EUR for this Kiwi.
73 de Michael - DO6LSM
As mentioned in the first post, all order have been shipped (except for one on vacation hold).
And the store is now open for second production run orders.
A third production run is in the parts-procurement phase.
Just arrived!! Will set this up soon!
Thank you John
Mine has arrived today - order #1164
It is working and it has GPS fix with 10 sat's within 2 minutes 😀
Best Regards
Bjarne - OZ1AEF