v1.558: passband adjustment improvements, external ADC clock fix
From the CHANGE_LOG file:
v1.558 Sep 4, 2022
Passband adjustment improvements:
Adjust left/right passband edges individually
The arrow up/down keys now adjust the passband. With the shift key added the right
passband alone is adjusted (passband high in USB). With alt/ctrl passband low is adjusted.
With no modifier keys pressed both passband edges are adjusted (like the "p" and "P" keys).
Also for a shift or alt/ctrl during a mouse wheel while positioned in the frequency scale.
Also for alt/ctrl or shift-alt/shift-ctrl when clicking the zoom buttons (different from
the above since no-shift/shift is already used to distinguish zoom from passband adjust.
The tooltip popup when you mouse over the zoom buttons shows which type of passband
adjustment will occur depending on the modifier keys.
BFO/PBT indicator
When you mouse over the passband with the shift key pressed the tooltip popups will
include "BFO" or "PBT" to remind you of the alternate passband operation about to
be performed when you begin click-dragging the passband.
Added a "Close all admin connections" button to the admin connection exclusion panel.
The usual admin page automatic reconnect will not occur. Whatever operation you were
performing (e.g. DX label edit) will have to be repeated since it did not take effect.
Fix for external ADC clock when Kiwi GPS correction disabled.