Chrome browser, background tab fax decode?
I have been enjoying the built in fax decoder for weather charts. In Chrome/Windows 10 I normally have 5-10 tabs open at any given time, and I have noticed that if the tab for the KiwiSDR is not the active page it will only run a few minutes in the background before halting with an audio underrun. It may simply be that my (2014 vintage) laptop is not up to the task. But I wonder if there are any tricks for keeping a background tab active for a KiwiSDR, or if there is an alternative browser that functions better for background decoding.
Well, for offline decoding there is always from kiwiclient:
The best series of articles describing the use of kiwifax:
You might want to try this Chrome extension, which disables the page visibility API. A lot of JavaScript code tries to be clever and do things differently depending on whether you can see, or not see, the page on your screen. It determines this with the page visibility API. Installing this extension will disable that API and make all tabs/windows behave as if they're visible at all times. I've found this solves a lot of problems I've had in the past with various web applications running in non-visible tabs. I don't guarantee it won't increase CPU usage significantly (all those background pages updating constantly) or that it will solve any given problem, but it's certainly worth a try.