
directTDoA is a probably not so well known GUI written in Python that runs the TDoA algorithm locally on your computer. It has been gone thorough a lot of development since 2018 after Christoph first published his main TDoA code.

The creator Llinkz recently published a new version V5 (see that has some unique features such as waterfall / SNR measurement, an ultimateTDoA mode which can use all available nodes in an user defined map area and can work with shorter than 30 second recordings for processing.

The latter is quite effective for short time signals such as 2G ALE and the last versions of the program interfaces via TCP with the Sorcerer decoder and can automatically start the TDoA process upon detection of an ALE signal. Very cool..

best regards, Ben


  • got it running here... will have to use it some..
  • edited October 2023
    A new version has just been published. > directTDoA v6.00

    Not much changes for linux and macOS users (just adding back a Listen/Demod service, like in the directKiwi project and some bug corrections)
    (to get Listen/Demod working w/o re-installing everything, get the from the repository and read the changelog for instructions)

    But the main point is that Windows version is now fully functionnal and is delivered as file package.

    So, people who wish to use the application on Windows OS will not have to worry about installing full GNU Octave, git and of course python with its modules. All files are already patched and compiled in the available archive. Just unzip & play !

    Thanks to @daniel for this work.

  • edited October 2023
    I made some mistakes in the previously released code for Windows.

  • I've just released v7.00


  • Just downloaded the Windows version, only it looks like it is for Linux. The README file is full of Linux-type code. Is there a .exe file to run this under Windows? I can't find it.

    Ken VE3HLS

  • edited October 2023

    Hi Ken

    download and extract the latest .zip archive on your disk and double-click on directTDoA.bat

    there is no .exe file


  • Hi linkz,

    installed the windows version and changed the Mapbox API but it doesn't seem

    to run correctly. I attached the screenshot for interest. Question: is there a possibiliy to zoom

    in to the map? I find it difficult to choose the TDoA KIWI rx on the small world map.

    Kai DJ9KAI

  • Hi Kai

    Weird issue, the embedded imwrite (MatLab function) is supposed to correctly save the plot as a .png image.

    Do you double-click directTDoA.bat to lunch the whole thing ? Else it's probably because you're using your local octave and/or python

    Normally all the "python/octave/matlab" package is static and should not throw errors



  • jksjks
    edited January 2024

    There is currently a problem with Kiwi's running v1.647 - 1.649. The GPS timestamp in the .wav file may not be valid/accurate. So please be aware of that. We are working on the problem..

  • Hi John,

    Maybe check with my co-sited KiWi V1&2 that the timestamps correspond too, as the GPS chips are different.



  • Yeah I noticed that last night. Both directTDoA & online extension are affected.

    no recent GPS timestamps on most Kiwis in the octave logs.

    Thx for the work


    Question: is there a possibiliy to zoomin to the map?

    I forgot to answer you on that point, sorry. (for the delay too)

    It's a thing I have never fixed, the zoom function exists but has display/point offset bugs so I've commented the key/mouse binding in the code. (btw, seems to work fine on Linux but may have problems in certain circumstances).

    Try to uncomment the "Windows Zoom" line in file (near line 856) and check.

           # self.canvas.bind_all('<MouseWheel>', self.wheel) # Windows Zoom

           # self.canvas.bind('<Button-5>', self.wheel) # Linux Zoom

           # self.canvas.bind('<Button-4>', self.wheel) # Linux Zoom



  • I've just released v7.20 because of the recent TDoA issues

    Many thanks to Christoph & dev team for the bug fix in

    Not much modifications in 7.20, it concerns only the bug:

    LINUX/MACOS: It will still use an old version of kiwiclient so I've just modified the patch in the installation process (kiwirecorder_patch.diff). you don't necessarily need to upgrade your installation to 7.20 as you can edit the file manually, it's a simple code fix - see

    WINDOWS: The file has been manually modified in the release v7.20 package

    Quick note: the "Listen mode" is not working anymore.



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