Clicking on the AM carrier frequency on SSB
Many times I listen to amplitude-modulated BC stations on either sideband as sometimes the audio quality can be better and you may avoid some QRM. However when you click on a frequency of the BC station in the SSB mode, the frequency will be set at the middle of the passband and not at the carrier frequency. When in the AM mode, clicking on a frequency will set the vertical carrier frequency marker at the mouse point. I think the same behavior would be of benefit also when LSB or USB is used. When listening to ham traffic, then you would click on either edge of the waterfall of the transmission, instead of clicking somewhere in the middle of it to get the best audible signal as you'll have to do today.
Your thoughts/comments?
73 Jari
Your thoughts/comments?
73 Jari
Click rounding would also help, HDSDR has step selection now and even though it has always been one of my favourite SDR programs for just "install and use" that makes point and tune so efficient.
I spend much of my time on Kiwi going down the waterfall vertically to try and hit the right spot horizontally for the signal.
(Apologies to anyone who has not seen this movie)