I wish I was smart enough to implement this. With HF condx as pootr as there are for a few years, knowing the actual MUF would be handy.
This software works well.
Ron - KA7U
So how do you propose to compile, compute, and present real time MUF data, once it is collected? Is there currently a software providing this service?
Ron - KA7U
I think it would be possible to use a KiWi to track the Ionosounders, the two sweeps (approx 5 seconds apart) from Cyprus are very strong in Europe and can be seen on most of the KiWi's in that continent.
There are several operating with known characteristics start time, start frequency, sweep rate etc. so writing a script to tune the KiWi ahead of the sweep and then recording the signal as it passes through the RX passband and time stamping it, then processing captured samples off-line to correct the frequency shift as the signal sweeps through the RX channel and 'stitch' the individually recorded samples back together may be possible. It may be that two or more RX channels would be required in order to ensure a frequency 'overlap' of recordings.
But I'm not a software guy either :-(
however I used to work with them, and they always told me that any problem 'could be fixed in the code' :-)
Martin - G8JNJ
I think if this were achieved it would render the WSPR network obsolete.
Ron - KA7U
I wan't really suggesting any end use of the data, but simply thought that it would be possible to collect it. I'm not sure if what you are proposing would work, but it's an interesting concept.
Edit - take a look at this page on the sire that Jim highlighted
The only practical use I'd previously thought of (and discussed with Christoph) was the possibility of using Ionosounders to help calibrate the TDoA propagation models he was developing at the time.
Martin - G8JNJ
As is mentioned in , a good to implement this would be to have a narrowband IQ receiver channel (bandwidth = maximum observable delay) track the ionosonde sweep precisely. I'm not sure exactly how this would work within the KiwiSDR, but there's already GPS timing available.
A user would have to provide:
- Sweep start/end frequency
- Sweep start time (or a schedule)
- Sweep Rate (kHz/sec). The ones you often see sweeping up the HF band are 100 or 125 kHz/sec, but there are faster ones too. There's a (very old) list of sounders here: though I expect users will have to fiddle with start times and sweep rates to find the latest information.
Processing to produce an ionogram is simply to take an FFT of the de-ramped chirp. Of course there are tricks that can be pulled to clean up the resultant plot (see the discussion on non-chirp suppression on the utwente page), but it would be a good start!