Unable to select extensions near bottom of list

Hi John,

I've just noticed that I can't select that are near the bottom of the list of extensions.

I use Chrome on a Win 7 Pro PC and have the zoom level set to 125%.

Normally if I open the extensions list, although I can't see the items at the bottom of the list, if I mouse over the list and pull it down, the hidden items are shown and I can select them.

I'm no longer able to do this, so as a temporary fix I've reset the browser zoom to 100%.

Firefox is fine, at even higher zoom settings.


Martin - G8JNJ


  • I'm having a difficult time understanding this issue. With Chrome on PC or Mac even when I zoom the browser up to 150% (effectively simulating a screen with fewer pixels) the extension menu has few enough entries that all of then are always visible when the menu is open. I can select the last few entries in all cases.

    Now the "select band" menu is long enough that Firefox and Chrome both present it as a scrollable list. But I have no problem selecting the last few items with those types of menus either.
  • Hi John,

    It was still doing it occasionally with v1.208.

    I'll let you know if I see it again with v1.209 onwards.


    Martin - G8JNJ
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