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i have had the KiwiSDR2 for a couple of days.... and
It's not that easy, as it depends on the source, and whatever it is connected to.
Especially as John has already indicated that there is likely to be more than one source.
That's why I suggest switching off your power at the main board, you will then be able to see what is under your control, and what is external.
Bringing the power back up, breaker by breaker, should allow you to better narrow down the location of a noise source.
Concentrate on one specific signal at a time, some of them will appear on many other frequencies.
Get rid of the worst offender first, and then gradually work on the others.
Be as methodical as possible.
i have had the KiwiSDR2 for a couple of days.... and
Temporary Markers / Labels
Cleanup logs older than one day:
sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1d
If desired manually delete old archived logs and rotated logs:
sudo find /var/log -type f -regex ".*\.gz$" -delete
sudo find /var/log -type f -regex ".*\.[0-9]$" -delete
Local Git repo cleanup and compress deltas:
sudo -i
cd /root/Beagle_SDR_GPS/
git clean -ffd
nice -n 19 git gc --force --prune=all
The git gc housekeeping takes awhile to run. Use nice to set a low priority if running on an active Kiwi server. You can add --aggressive to git gc if really adventurous, but it could take a very long time to run. YMMV.
Cleanup local APT cache:
sudo apt clean
Usually I end up with around 800MB+ free on my KiwiSDR 2.
UpDate to Debian 11.9 and KiwiSDR to 1.707
I don't think you will be able to get in using WinSCP.
I'm experiencing similar problems since updating the OS version, and WinSCP doesn't provide the option to log in as su. I seem to remember reading a thread about it but can't find it.
Also, with Debian 11 to enable root login, you can add a line to the sshd_config file in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
Edit the file as root using nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Add the line PermitRootLogin yes in the Authentication section
Save the file
Restart the SSH server using service sshd restart
I swear the Linux folks move the goalposts purely to keep us muggles at bay, but if you do find a solution, be sure to tell us, as this is turning out to be a real pain.
UpDate to Debian 11.9 and KiwiSDR to 1.707
That's right. It didn't happen before with Debian 8.
You can't by default connect as root anymore due to enhanced security in Debian 9 and beyond. Get a root shell by logging in as Debian and doing a sudo su. Use the Kiwi serial number as password in both cases if the Kiwi board was attached while you re-flashed using the Kiwi Debian 11.9 image (the Kiwi software changes the default debian and root account passwords to the serial number it finds in the EEPROM of the Kiwi board).
If you want to subsequently connect as root for maintenance reasons (backing up files etc) setup an SSH key in /root/.ssh. You'll have to research how to do that. I'm not going to talk you through that process. There are other options also.
SWBC Database lookup
It appears that, in Firefox only, if you try and open instead of (note explicit http:// prefix) Firefox goes into a redirect loop. But Safari and Chrome worked fine for me in that case.
Guess I need to change the Kiwi code to force http://
DX cluster extension
You can create a simple DX cluster with the iframe extension. Add “” in the URL line of the Iframe extension.
Width 600 and High 400 Pixel fits perfect.
Take a look here:
In 1.703 its possible to add a specific Name to explain the content.
PS: Direkt tuning by clicking on the frequency would be nice!
73s Holger, DF6DBF