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- smg
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- Ironically, I was just looking out the window and saw lightning in the clouds in the distance.
- Some relevant to NZ would be cool too.
Nice list of fixes - thank you!
You could probably get away with a speaker de-thump circuit too.
Although this is clearly abuse of the ham bands, it is nonetheless fascinating, especially from someone here in NZ, who is quite insulated to the going ons in that part of the world, where the only real information we get is from main stream media, …
interesting! I had some more this morning. One side was a faint version of what I heard earlier, and the audible side was a robotic voice - possibly masked to prevent from being identified. I have to link to the file as its too large to upload (sh…
haha - I figured it was, however I'm still keen for a translation.
Just when I thought it was going to be simple, down the rabbit hole I go! ;-)
- Thanks, Martin. I have a Noolec LaNA (LNA) and a PGA-103+ (AliExpress) and both appear similar in their characteristic and performance. If however, I put the notch filter…
Based on some tests = attenuators before the LNA is better - otherwise I end up with lots of AM broadcast up in the 80m band!!
- I love zerotier, however it can be slow depending on your location.
You might be better off adding the rule manually on your router.
wow - thats an impressive radio set up. and wow - those Farfadets are impressive too. I suspect they make one heck of a lot of RF scatter across the entire spectrum with a lot of energy.
FYI - the weather has turned to rubbish here. Raining, cool and thundery. The big green line across the band was the lightning with lots of static discharge from many smaller strikes around the area. We tend to get a lot of sheet lighting here and …
- OK cheers Martin! I might grab the Ali express one too as its quite cheap. I liked the idea of the Noolec one as it covered the HF bands and was very flat across the rang…
As well as the MW notch filter - so I don't over load the kiwi if I tune into an MW station - which isn't often
- Ive purchased one of these
I’ve decided to heighten the antenna Should be nearing 5mtrs up and over most of the neighbor’s roofs now, with the exception of the nex…
- Yeah, the loop is noisier. I'll leave the whip plugged in for a while and see what its like over all.
@G8JNJ (Martin), What are your thoughts on these kinds of devices? Cheers Sean
- Example, a DRM signal is stronger on the kiwi with the loop than the 303 because it will decode using the loop and not the 303, whereas the 5mhz UTC signal came in better …
- I think I will extend the pole somewhat over the Xmas break and see what effect that has.
One observation, is that the 303 and my Sangean ats909x2 play very nicely together. Whereas the 303 plugged into the kiwi there is a difference of several DB lower, where in the Sangean they are on par with each other when the loop is plugged in to …
I, too, noticed it has picked up more noise than the loop. There aren't any solar panels on nearby houses so dont expect to much PV controller interference, I do use a power line adaptor in the house, however that is on a separate circuit from the g…
- Ah - yes, I am a member of that forum. I do struggle a bit with the format. However thats a me thing and need to spend more time on it.
Cool, thanks. I couldn't resolve the domain however I think that might be my firewall (or pi-hole) - ill check the logs. I tried resolving outside my network, and got the answer I needed :-)
I've recently seen a number of these from Germany. "", Germany7:16:31[1d:20:03:58 total], Germany8:24:49, Germany11:39:13, Germany7:0…
- I've plugged in the 303 :-)
Is it possible to host a disk image somewhere that you can use Rufus / Balena Etcher to write to the SD Card with a working image?
- Hi Martin, I'll plug the antenna back in tonight - daytime around here is terrible. I have the loop plugged in currently - keen to get a switch. http://21996.proxy.kiwisdr…