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  • Software update in progress [not a problem]

    Faster rebuilds coming soon. We are switching compilers from gcc to clang.

  • GPS antenna alternatives

    Okay, got it. v1.216 is out with Galileo available on all 12 channels. Another small improvement towards maximizing the number of Kiwis available for TDoA.
  • GPS antenna alternatives

    Okay, got it. v1.216 is out with Galileo available on all 12 channels. Another small improvement towards maximizing the number of Kiwis available for TDoA.
  • GPS antenna alternatives

    Here's an example of all sats being available on all channels on a Kiwi in Iceland. As a bonus QZSS is being received (!) The signal is weak and only 9 degrees above the horizon. It only participated in this one GPS solution before sync was lost. But it was there!

  • TDoA known location markers

    It does this already (if I'm understanding your question correctly -- morning coffee hasn't taken hold yet).

    Before you start the process single-click on a reference station so its information is copied into the field at the lower left of the TDoA control panel. Or optionally type your own reference info, format: lat lon id description. Then the result maps will show that info in a marker in addition to the "most likely" position computed. Also, if you're specifying everything from the URL, you can just list the reference station id to have it pre-selected. Just like the Kiwis to use are specified. See below. Using the Google map ruler we can see the difference in computed to actual location is a bit over 20 km.

  • GPS antenna alternatives

    Here's an example of all sats being available on all channels on a Kiwi in Iceland. As a bonus QZSS is being received (!) The signal is weak and only 9 degrees above the horizon. It only participated in this one GPS solution before sync was lost. But it was there!

  • GPS antenna alternatives

    Here's an example of all sats being available on all channels on a Kiwi in Iceland. As a bonus QZSS is being received (!) The signal is weak and only 9 degrees above the horizon. It only participated in this one GPS solution before sync was lost. But it was there!

  • GPS antenna alternatives

    It's worth noting that four more Galileo satellites (23-26) were launched on Wednesday 25 July 2018 and are currently being commissioned.
    I'm a couple days into getting each GPS channel to allow all satellite types. Very difficult (for me at least) as expected. The old inefficient way would have required 12 memory blocks and we only have 5 available (4RX4WF config). The new scheme requires only 3. But I had to learn some new Verilog and employ some tricky sequential/producer, parallel/consumer logic with pipelining issues thrown in. It isn't working yet..
  • Crash/restarts when running WSPR extension [fixed in v1.213]

    Wait unit after today's v1.213 update. There is a significant bug fixed.
  • My Kiwi asks for password after 60-minute inactivity timeout when I'm connecting [fixed in v1.215]

    Well, there was definitely a bug. Bjarne your Kiwi has the fix. Everyone else will get it in the update tomorrow.

    The bug was timing sensitive which explains why it didn't occur consistently. Still, I'm very surprised this was only noticed recently by you and by Martin yesterday. The bug has been there for like a year now or something.