v1.212 is out [8 channel mode]
v1.212 in a picture:


I assume the two waterfall receivers are on a first come first served basis, we can't surrender the waterfall once connected or have the option to connect to one of two types of connection.
I'm just thinking if I wanted to use a non waterfall channel myself leaving the waterfall for public use is that possible?
How feasible would it be to 'multiplex' the channel(s) used to generate the waterfall ?
My thinking is that maybe you could 'snapshot' a waterfall for each receiver channel and then periodically update the 'snapshot' per receiver like a gif animation. If two waterfall channels were used to do this it may be able to provide a near real time display.
I don't know how quickly this could be performed but I think it should be possible at a reasonable rate, and would provide some indication of spectrum activity.
One other idea is that when a user has stayed on one frequency for longer than say 1 minute. The zoom should be set to WF 11 or 12 and the audio FFT waterfall be presented instead of the normal one.
Martin - G8JNJ
Martin - G8JNJ
So I wonder is there a way of running a second BeagleBone off one set of RX hardware? Sharing the IQ data and GPS etc.
Today's v1.213 update has a "no_wf" URL param, e.g. "my_kiwi:8073/?ext=wspr,40m&mute&no_wf". On an empty RX8WF2 mode Kiwi this would give you rx2 instead of rx0.
Can I use a "no_wf" URL parameter without any other parameters to bring up a non-waterfall RX channel ?
I've tried various syntaxes, but so far I have not been able to find one that works.
Martin - G8JNJ
Thanks for that - I was sure I tried that string initially and it didn't work for me.
But this time it did :-)
I think I must have accidentally included a space character somewhere.
Martin - G8JNJ