Admin connections reloading/crashing? Read here! (v1.708,709,710 => v1.800)



  • I do manual updates only, so after reading posts I did ssh as root (keys auth) and done these:

    rm -r Beagle_SDR_GPS build build.log

    gclone KiwiSDR ; cd KiwiSDR ; gup ; mc ; m ; mi ; ku

    After ku got sth like: can't cd to Beagle_SDR_GPS so did Ctrl-C. Checking ku and cdp aliases realised ${PROJ} is outdated so logged out and in and did ku again without errors and rebooted at end. Kiwi2 is up and running 1.800.

    Checking df -h / got only about 0.5G so from other posts got: journalctl --vacuum-time=1d and apt clean.

    Next spotted old kernels in /boot and purged them with apt purge linux-image-5.10.168-ti-r72 linux-image-5.10.168-ti-r76 linux-image-5.10.168-ti-r77 which left only latest r79.

    Now have above 1.2G free disk space. Thanks a lot for all advise I can find here.

  • Short feedback - my update story: Debian 8.5, kiwi-version was some steps behind because automatic updates are disabled. Update initiated by "build now" button. It took a very long time, then I ended up with 1.800. Afterwards, my antenna switch (homebrew gpio-based) didn't work anymore - it was disabled. After enabling it manually, it worked normally, but "Measure SNR now" complained about all antennas grounded (which wasn't true). But after another reboot, all seems to be fine.

  • ZygZyg
    edited December 2024

    >Did you do the entire procedure though or just click the server restart button? If you did the entire procedure you should be running v1.800

    I just clicked the server restart button. I will follow with the full procedure when I get more comfortable with it.

  • Just started with the entire procedure. It is straight forward until coming to msd.

    After entering msd the console is lost (the Kiwi server is stopped) and no further inputs can be made.

    As stopping the Kiwi server is only done to speed the build time, is it safe to ignore msd and continue with the rest of the procedure?

  • smoothly...KiwiSDR 1, MacOS, Kiwi with Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)

    update from v1.709 with admin reloading to v1.800

    • ssh debian@kiwisdr
    • sudo su
    • cd KiwiSDR
    • gup (git update)
    • mc (make clean)
    • m (make)
    • mi (make install)
    • ku (starts Kiwi server)

  • Well, I ignored the msd input, followed the procedure using the admin console (on a Windows 11 machine) and about 2 hours later my KiwiSDR-1 is at V1.800 😀!

    My Linux knowledge is rather limited, e.g. I had to go to Google to figure out what is SSH.

    The system works!


    -Zyg- AF4MP

  • @Zyg Sorry. You're right about the msd (stop/disable the Kiwi server). That command should be skipped if those instruction are being used inside the admin console window. I have updated the instructions to say so.

  • As of today (December 6) there are roughly 50 public Kiwis running v1.6xx and 120 running v1.7xx. I encourage everyone to update to v1.8xx as soon as possible. So far I've had to fix about 45 Kiwis manually.

  • Thanks very much to jks for fixing the looping admin login so quickly. All OK now on v1.800.

  • Everything updated just fine here without problems.

    I'll have to remind myself to write a new backup SD card with one of these v1.8xx versions so we don't have any potential problems updating in the event I need to restore the Kiwi.

  • @nitroengine Yeah, good point!

  • Thank you for all your work John and for the quick response to emails.

    Our kiwi is working like new again.

    Theo PE1OPQ

  • So a few of you have asked me to repair your Kiwi's that have the looping admin connect problem. But at some point you had disabled the admin console tab function by creating the file /root/kiwi.config/opt.no_console or opt.console_local as mentioned in our documentation.

    As a result even though I can connect to the admin page (if you've given me the password) I can't bring up the console tab which I need to fix the issue. So before I can help, you must (temporarily) remove those files. But you'll need to do so via an ssh or PuTTY connection since you can't use the looping admin interface (see the Catch 22 here?).

  • Another way pointed out to me by a customer: If you have another Kiwi that is running v1.800 just use it to make a backup SD card. The re-flash the broken Kiwi using it. Reconfigure afterwards.

  • Is it possible to host a disk image somewhere that you can use Rufus / Balena Etcher to write to the SD Card with a working image?

  • On 8-12 I did a version update to 1.711 and the 'server closes every 4 seconds' started to happen.

    At that moment 1.711 was shown on my Kiwi as the latest version (it was on 1.686)

    Connected users or kiwirecorder for wsprdaemon stay on and keep working as long as you do not open the admin page.

    Now (10-12) doing the manual ssh make procedure. Will need some time to finish. Less than 40 minutes for the make step.

    mi is fast.

    ku is OK

    All good, and thanks !!

    F4VTQ, Erwin

  • Hello :)

    Thanks in advance for any help.... :). Got the admin reload issue.. Tried the command line procedure to get to v1.80 and got to:

    KiwiSDR 2, v1.707, 3 SDR channels, 12 GPS channels | Uptime: 0:02:05

    Debian 11.9

    Ran into the error below.... (Not a very sophisticated command line/user)

  • So I fired my Kiwi SDR up today for the first time in months. I did an auto update and the rest is history. I only use it locally so no remote access and no password set. Reading the comments above, I am lost and confused (I'm not computer tech person).

    I'm guessing there is no simple option of downloading the latest version of the software on to a new SD card and starting again as if it was new SDR?

  • edited December 2024

    Yeah, you could do that. I just resurrected a Kiwi 1 that was off for more than a year and drug it straight to v1.800.

    Being that it's local only, I'd still give it a one time 'apt upgrade && apt update -y' once you're done to get whatever updates the OS gained since @john created the image and the day you burn the image.

    Understand by doing this procedure you'll lose whatever configuration and DX label bookmarks you have, unless you explicitly save them ahead of time.

    But then, you're over the bridge...


  • Remember, please don't hesitate to contact me to fix your admin page looping-connect problem.

    I've manually fixed about 60 Kiwis now. Have even used Google Desktop to remotely connect to a browser on a local network pc in a few cases to get the job done (when there was no other option to get to the admin page).

  • John,

    Merry Christmas. Thanks for the PERFECT instructions to update via PUTTY.

    I had not used my kiwi for a few months, was on V1.60 or something, decided to update.

    Receiver worked but admin reset every time I opened admin page. I am now at 1.800 and admin is not looping.


    Have a Happy New Year



  • Just to add my note of thanks to John too for the comprehensive instructions. I've updated my kiwi-1 which is now happily sitting at v1.800.

    My only stumbling block was that the kiwi filesystem was 100% full which turned out to be a large number of temp_pack_xxxxx files living in /root/Beagle_SDR_GPS/.git/objects/pack

    Removing those temporary files freed up a large chunk of space (700mb+)plenty for me to pull down the new git files. Incidentally, this upgrade process didn't completely remove the Beagle_SDR_GPS folder for me, so I manually deleted it when the upgrade was done and the new KiwiSDR folder was in place. I now have 2.1GB free (40%)

    Sharing in case that info is of use to anyone!

    Happy new year.


  • Good evening, same for me, exactly the same.

    I followed the instructions, the Linux commands. Everything went well, without error. On the other hand, I manually deleted the Beagle_SDR_GPS directory to find free space. Now the two KiwiSDR receivers from Trémolat are working great (I had waited for the holiday period to be able to do this).

    Thank you very much John for these clear instructions,

    best regards and Happy New Yeay.

  • Thanks guys. I have amended the instructions to include removing Beagle_SDR_GPS at the beginning.

  • I had two of my four radios looping. I followed the instructions above on the two and they are both updated and stable. Thank you for the clear, step by step instructions.

    73, Conrad N2YCH

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