UpDate to Debian 11.9 and KiwiSDR to 1.707

Using WinSCP can't get into root.... didn't happen before.

can someone help me?



  • I need to do sudo su, permission denied....

  • jksjks
    edited November 2024

    That's right. It didn't happen before with Debian 8.

    You can't by default connect as root anymore due to enhanced security in Debian 9 and beyond. Get a root shell by logging in as Debian and doing a sudo su. Use the Kiwi serial number as password in both cases if the Kiwi board was attached while you re-flashed using the Kiwi Debian 11.9 image (the Kiwi software changes the default debian and root account passwords to the serial number it finds in the EEPROM of the Kiwi board).

    If you want to subsequently connect as root for maintenance reasons (backing up files etc) setup an SSH key in /root/.ssh. You'll have to research how to do that. I'm not going to talk you through that process. There are other options also.

  • I don't think you will be able to get in using WinSCP.

    I'm experiencing similar problems since updating the OS version, and WinSCP doesn't provide the option to log in as su. I seem to remember reading a thread about it but can't find it.

    Also, with Debian 11 to enable root login, you can add a line to the sshd_config file in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

    Edit the file as root using nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    Add the line PermitRootLogin yes in the Authentication section

    Save the file

    Restart the SSH server using service sshd restart

    I swear the Linux folks move the goalposts purely to keep us muggles at bay, but if you do find a solution, be sure to tell us, as this is turning out to be a real pain.



  • Thanks..... I will try that.....

  • Hi Shane,

    Whilst looking for the post I mentioned, I found this which may help. I haven't had a chance to try it myself, but it looks promising.


    If that doesn't work there are additional options.


    I got around my issues by laboriously cut and pasting within nano, but I like WinSCP, because it allows me to navigate around visually, like windows. Textual entry is fraught with problems for me, as I often mistype, or transpose letters around, even when trying not to.



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