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Clone Password

Is there an issue with the clone password or a I just doin something wrong?

BBG Deb 10.1 v1.489


  • Hi, like I know, after first start D10 the password for 'debian' user changing from default to serial number KiwiSDR board, without board it's equal 'temppwd'. On D10 'root' user don't have access to SSH service (default).

  • I am trying to clone a BBG from a BBAI box.

  • The clone function on the admin page, config tab, uses a Linux scp root@<host> command (plus some other magic). But this means if the <host> is something like D9/D10 with "no root login" you'll have to get around that by adding a credential on the D9/D10 Kiwi in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys[2] files.

    Generate the credential on your D8 BBG (or whatever) Kiwi requesting the cloning by using the ssh-keygen command. This will generate a public/private key pair in two separate files. Add the public key (in a file typically called ~/.ssh/ in the authorized_keys file of the D9/D10 Kiwi.

    There is also this which I don't recommend:

  • edited February 2022

    That sort of worked..... it no longer gives me a bad password display, it says cloning from as it should but... it never seems to finish.

  • Maybe simply and faster copy kiwi.config folder between KiwiSDR manually via SCP? Existing many good SCP clients for Windows/MacOS/Linux.

  • edited February 2022

    I think now the issue is BBAI config -> BBG as the PW is solved

  • edited February 2022

    Also I just tried webdav to a nextcloud, could be good for sending to a remote (public) server?

    Assuming user K8073 Password K8073password

    Fictitious domain https://mynextcloud.somepublic.domain

    cd to kiwi.config and (for each file)

    curl -X PUT -u K8073:K8073password https://mynextcloud.somepublic.domain/remote.php/webdav/admin.json -T ./admin.json

    curl -X PUT -u K8073:K8073password https://mynextcloud.somepublic.domain/remote.php/webdav/kiwi.json -T ./kiwi.json


    --Bit Later--

    Compress (without being too clinical) the kiwi.config folder and chuck that up.

    #tar -zcvf kiwiBackup_2022-02-04.tar.gz --exclude=samples/* ~/kiwi.config && curl -X PUT -u K8073:K8073password https://mynextcloud.somepublic.domain/remote.php/webdav/kiwiBackup_2022-02-04.tar.gz -T ./kiwiBackup_2022-02-04.tar.gz

    It could probably do with a file list to include rather than just excluding the samples directory.

    Should be possible to restore pretty easily through dav too, assuming the kiwi service is stopped.

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