text for visitor at password

How can i change the text that is displayed when password is in use.


  • jksjks
    edited July 2020
    Not configurable currently. I assume you mean the prompt when a user password is required for an ordinary connection? Or possibly the one when all channels are full?
  • hi Jks ( assume you mean the prompt when a user password is required for an ordinary connection ) yes thats what i mean. we wait till it is configurable. thanks
  • What I'd find interesting would be the ability to not use passwords to "reserve" receivers, but instead let someone use a password to "bump off" an existing (not local) connection. That way the receivers aren't put out of commission waiting for a password level user to perhaps use them down the road. Maybe this feature already exists and haven't found it, wouldn't be the first time :)
  • Yes that would be a great way to incorporate the password feature. I've often wished it could be set up like that.
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