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Problem DRM

Good morning....
I would like to know if after the update 1.394 someone has problems with the decoding of the DRM signal.

on my local kiwi when opening the application the control panel does not appear 9 times out of 10, and if it opens it does not play any type of audio, a problem detected with Mozilla - Chrome and Edge, on both computers in my possession.

on the other Kiwis the problem is almost identical last test carried out on Radio Nigeria s / n + 20, with the three browsers, but no audio is reproduced

Taken note that the problem is similar on my two computers, I can't get over it.

for completeness, when the DRM dialogue card appears using the two TEST keys the digital stream is perfectly decoded reproducing the audio.

thank you for any kind of help




  • jksjks
    edited June 2020
    There is no problem. R. Nigeria is known to transmit silence on occasion.

    The information in the panel at upper left is only filled-in when the DRM signal has sufficient quality. Weak signals or signals with too much multi-path will only show the top indicators greyed-out and an empty program list as your image shows. This also occurs when you switch frequencies and the DRM signal is lost.

    To see if a DRM signal has multi-path you have to zoom in the waterfall and adjust the WF max/min controls carefully so as not to oversaturate the waterfall colors. See the DRM help panel for more information (push "help" button at top right of DRM control panel at lower right of screen).
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