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Entering FM mode in dx.json causes a crash [fixed in v1.152]

edited December 2017 in Problems Now Fixed
Hi Folks,

Avoid putting "FM" as a mode into your dx.json marker file. It causes a crash. I tried to put in 29.600MHz FM calling as a marker.

You did backup your dx.json file before editing didn't you..?

73s, Rob.


  • jksjks
    edited November 2017
    You want "NBFM", not "FM". In v1.152 this will no longer crash but just default to AM mode.

  • Ah Thanks,

    I will go back and change it. As no markers are entered in that mode as standard, there was no "templates"!

  • I'll add this for the benefit of anyone else reading. Remember that it may be simpler to use the user interface to add or modify just a few entries rather than editing the dx.json file directly. Just shift-click in the label area, give the admin password if requested, and fill-in the fields of the panel that appears.

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