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Unidentified Signals

Hi All,

I've recently been hearing some USB voice signals on frequencies between approximately 10928KHz and 10945KHz.

Spot frequencies are:-

10940KHz - most popular

I can't identify the language being used but (to me) it sounds similar to Chinese. 

Some of the conversations are very one sided with one person speaking practically non-stop for 20 minutes or more.

I'm thinking that it could perhaps be Indonesian village radio or something similar ?

Has anyone else heard this ?


Martin - G8JNJ


  • I can also hear them fairly weakly on some of the Australian and New Zealand KiWi SDR's

    10964KHz seems to be another active frequency this afternoon 13:30 UTC 


    Martin - G8JNJ
  • Martin,
    I have yet to hear the SSB signals there, but will continue to listen from time to time. The screenshot below shows the activity in the vicinity while I listened there. Some random digital signals that seemed to be moving up and down the frequency.
    Ron - KA7U

  • Martin,
    I'm hearing USB this morning @3:25 UTC. Very weak, and what I think are Western Pacific, South East Asian language, but don't know. The signals are not right on frequency but off 200 to 500 Hz.
  • Hi Ron,

    They are quite weak with me too.

    Not sure about the frequency offset, could it be due to the different tonal range of the language in use ?


    Martin - G8JNJ

  • Martin,
    Yes it could be due to the tonal range. Not speaking the language, I'm adjusting by ear and trying to find what sounds best.
    Ron - KA7U
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