Direct access to S Meter and Spectrum data

I am intrigued by the Kiwi SDRs and considering buying one.

What I'd really like to do is analyze the S-meter plot as a digital time series, i.e., I want to convert the plot into a sequence of numbers (I estimate there are 42 per second for some idiosyncratic reason). Likewise with the spectrum plot: I'd like to get access to the entire set of FFT levels as a vector time series. In each case, I would want to convert the graphical displays into TXT files (or similar like PRN) and export them to my laptop computer for analysis.

Is there a way to do this in a plain vanilla Kiwi, just as a built-in feature? I have no equipment to modify the unit, so I'm hoping it's just a matter of "Oh, plug into the jack on the back and ...".




  • The Python program kiwirecorder (and kiwiwfrecorder) from the repo is a good starting point. It can connect to a Kiwi and sample waterfall and S-meter data.

    You'll probably have to modify the Python code slightly to process the data exactly how you want.

  • jks, thank you for the pointer.


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