
From the CHANGE_LOG file:

v1.801 February 5, 2025

  Admin page: Now works on small-screen devices. The admin page will now scroll left/right and

    up/down to display the full content that you would normally see using a desktop browser.

    The layout of the admin content is the same as for desktop. The browsers on older devices

    (e.g. iPad 2) will not work with this scheme and cannot be fixed. Please use a newer device.

    There will no doubt be small problems and details to be worked out with this new feature.

    Small-screen support for user connections is much more difficult and still TBD.

  Added support for iframe content to tune Kiwi (i.e. frequency, passband, mode, zoom).

Try new entry "DX spots" in extension menu.

    Added SK6AW.net DX spots as the default iframe content if no prior iframe configuration

    had been setup. When you click on a spot frequency the Kiwi tunes and sets the mode.

    If your Kiwi needs to be configured for this open the admin extensions tab and select

        the iframe entry. Enter "URL" in the Source menu. Enter "https://spots.kiwisdr.com" in the

    URL field. Enter "DX spots" in the Extension menu entry field. Check the box

    "Allow iframe to tune Kiwi". If you already reference SK6AW.net directly please change to

    spots.kiwisdr.com to get the new tuning functionality. (thanks HB9TMC, DF6DBF)


  Select default antenna if antenna grounded from "ground when no users" mode when:

    1) Connection made from a non-Kiwi app like kiwirecorder, TDoA etc.

    2) SNR measurement occurs, including via URL or measure button on admin page. (thanks F5LFE)


  Option for RF attenuator slider/buttons to send arbitrary shell command instead of adjusting

    internal attenuator. E.g. a curl command to control external attenuator hardware.

    Attenuator UI permissions still apply. See admin config tab for details. (thanks S57RW)


  Fixed bad bug that restarts the proxy client when a non-proxy (e.g. local) admin connection

    switches from any non-connect tab to the connect tab. This causes all user connections

    using a proxy connection to get dropped. Can't believe this wasn't discovered sooner!



    During scanning the browser user interface focus will remain with the ALE extension.

    This means changes to the controls and cut/paste in the output window will not be disturbed.

    (thanks DK9FI)

    Added "KFOR" to milcom frequency list. (thanks Mark W)


    Added "save images" button. Saves current image bar as a browser .jpg download file.

    (thanks barneyuk)


    Show total decode count. Cleared with "clear" button.

    Fixed broken ft8_lib URL on control panel.


    Fixed broken custom shift menu setting.

    Added SUBCOM VLF freqs to DX community database and FSK Milcom menu.

    (thanks Paulus via x.com/ParssinenPaulus/status/1865520723298533678)


    Added URL parameters and help button content. This means IBP DX label entries can

    specify these parameters to customize the IBP function when the label is clicked.

    For example, enter "ibp,all" in the label "extension" field to make IBP select the

    "All bands" menu entry when any IBP label is clicked. (thanks VK3KHZ)

  Fixed URL used for short-wave.info from right-click menu SWBC database lookup. (thanks smg)

  Fixed grid layout of DX label control panel.

  Fixed display of community database labels that have time/day-of-week info.

  Show Debian version in user control panel, stat tab.

  IP address blacklist update. (thanks Thierry et al)

  Added code to remove latest Linux virus. (thanks Mike)

  Added QZSS sat QZS-6. (thanks Yogicat)



  • jksjks
    edited February 4

    The new binary update scheme is enabled for this release. So the update should take about five minutes instead of the usual 30 or so. But only for BBG/BBB-based Kiwi's running Debian 8 or 11. All other configurations will compile from sources as usual (e.g. BBAI, BBAI-64, Debian 9, etc).

  • The next release will support multiple iframe definitions so you can have several custom entries in the extension menu.

    So I'd like to start a collection of iframe URLs that people have found and setup on their Kiwi's. We have the default SK6AW spot list now. And I'm aware of the Blitzortung.org lightning map that the VK3KHZ Kiwi's have. Someone must have one for solar conditions, right?

    Please drop a link below to a Kiwi that has an interesting iframe. Or email to support@kiwisdr.com


  • edited February 5

    I have the US AM station sunrise/sunset map for the month in my iframe, useful when AM/MW DXing. Shows when stations are supposed to sign-off or drop to night power/pattern at night and sign-on or go to day power/pattern in the morning, as dictated by the FCC. Automatically changes maps based on the month with a little bit of javascript. You can find a PDF of those Sunrise/Sunset Maps here: https://www.ircaonline.org/editor_upload/File/reprints/irca-reprint-index.pdf

  • Nice list of fixes - thank you!

  • Some relevant to NZ would be cool too.

    As an example, the lightning map (example: http://sdr-amradioantennas.com:8073/?ext=lightning) can specify a lat/lon. So a NZ Kiwi could center the map over NZ.

  • There's a problem in this release. Changing proxy connection host names is broken. Will be fixed soon.

  • Ironically, I was just looking out the window and saw lightning in the clouds in the distance.

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