Waterfall timestamp setting saved in cookies or browser storage
Every once in awhile, I like to download or take a screenshot of my waterfall while DXing. When those moments come, it never fails that the timestamps are off because I forgot to turn them on...
Is there a way the waterfall timestamp settings could be saved in a cookie or local browser storage so they'll be re-enabled each time a user reconnects?
Or else (or in addition to), could there be an admin setting to allow for the timestamps to be on or off by default?
Timestamps on the waterfall settings are not saved in the browser. However, you can use additional javascript.
It is also possible to enable them via url parameter
wfts=waterfall timestamp: in seconds (2 to 3600)
Thanks HB9TMC, I'll have to add that url parameter to my bookmarked Kiwi link and a few others I have bookmarked.
This post was a suggestion that perhaps the feature of remembering the WF timestamp setting could be added sometime in the future. Like how other Kiwis I frequent remember I have the WF aperture set to manual, compressor off, etc.