Debian 9.13 been stable for a long time update OS or not ??

Debian 9.13 Debian Image 2016-05-13

Linux kiwisdr 4.4.9-ti-r25 #1 SMP Thu May 5 23:08:13 UTC 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux

notice the OS is now Ver11 and 32 or 64 bit, should I update to latest 32 or 64 bit.

Does the root password still remains the device serial number after load the SD card image


  • Yes, if you re-flash using one of the images from the Debian root (and "debian" account) password should get set to the Kiwi board serial number. Note that all other Kiwi configuration settings will be lost if you re-flash unless you take steps to save & restore them.

    You should re-flash using the 32-bit image if you have a BBG/BBB-based Kiwi. The 64-bit image is only if you built a custom Kiwi using the BeagleBone AI-64. Not many people have done this. There is also a separate image for custom Kiwi's using the BeagleBone AI.

    Re-flashing from Debian 9 to 11 has some security improvements. And Debian 11 will get fast binary updates in the future whereas Debian 9 will always compile from source.

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