Anyone know what this guy is saying?

Been broadcasting for a while, and just stopped 6.52 NZST. (Zip file contains a recording)

Just repeating the same sentence over and over.

Not a HAM operator, that's for sure ;-)


  • Insults in german with a slavic accent.

  • edited January 21

    7055 KHz (+-) is since years known to be often illegally used for russian / ukrainian propaganda fights, jamming, "radio war" etc.

  • edited January 21

    Yes. This is bad frequency! Your should not listen it (((

  • haha - I figured it was, however I'm still keen for a translation.

  • edited January 22

    This is an example in very understandable English. I stumbled across it already back in 2020 on 7055 KHz and recorded it. On that day it ran some time as a continuous loop and was repeated at regular intervals.

    Disclaimer: This is a random example for documentation purposes only and no expression of my opinion. I neither adopt this content as my own nor do I wish to comment on it.

  • smgsmg
    edited January 22


    I had some more this morning.

    One side was a faint version of what I heard earlier, and the audible side was a robotic voice - possibly masked to prevent from being identified.

    I have to link to the file as its too large to upload (shared on my One Drive)

  • Let's finish it and delete this topic as it has no relevance to our KiwiSDR forum.

  • Why? It matches this forum area named "Signals Received" and is an unlucky reality since years. It can't be wrong to be at least aware of it.

    But I agree it should not get too much attention as it is a terrible abuse of ham radio frequencies.

  • Although this is clearly abuse of the ham bands, it is nonetheless fascinating, especially from someone here in NZ, who is quite insulated to the going ons in that part of the world, where the only real information we get is from main stream media, and is even able to receive these signals, given I am on the east side of the north Island, makes it even more interesting.

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