Continuous Freezing Issues with KiwiSDR via Proxy: Troubleshooting Tips
Hello everyone, I manage a KiwiSDR from central Italy via proxy . Recently, however, it freezes after a few minutes (the page remains frozen) and this happens continuously, forcing me to refresh the page. I have tried modifying the settings in the Network tab, assigning a static IP. I set the "Ethernet interface MTU" to 1440 since I am using a 4G SIM connection. I also reduced the "Number of audio campers per channel" to 2. The connection has about 30 Mbps download and 18 Mbps upload. What could this be caused by? Thanks everyone.
I'm not using a proxy but I intermittently have a similar issue when connected via my local LAN. If I connect from a remote site it is less likely to freeze (can run for several hours on a remote connection before I see it freeze but locally it may happen in a few minutes)
I monitor FT8 mostly and I have found that using the mute button makes it happen more often. Turning the volume to zero or very low seems better.
(My Kiwi is off air currently, waiting for me to deal to a very noisy fan - Does anyone know a suitable plugin replacement for the fan please :-) ? )
Today, I tried changing the router to see if the issue was related to it, but it keeps disconnecting. Basically, the KiwiSDR closes the connection. I noticed that this happens after about 20 minutes. I am using Chrome as my browser.
Hello everyone. we run 2 kiwi's via the ( we have also the problen that the two kiwi's freez and then we have to reconnect. t is getting wors
anyone knows howe to fix this probelem.
@swcholland What kind of Internet connection are you using? Is it also a mobile (3G/4G) connection like the original poster of this thread?
I've had the same issue with my KiwiSDR2 randomly freezing for all users at once. I at first thought it was my Kiwi's connection, but recently was on another KiwiSDR2 150 miles away from mine, and his froze while I was on it. When his froze, I IMMEDIATELY went over to my Kiwi's address, and got a "not found" message on mine, like the proxy address didn't work. 5 seconds later, I reloaded mine again and it was fine.
There was a discussion on a morning HF net with users of both of these Kiwis, and others have been seeing this too. Given it's happening on 2 at the same time, 150 miles apart, I'm assuming something else is up then, and it's not my internet connection. (And sounds like the same issue as @swcholland. ) I do think it is getting more common/worse on mine, too. Not positive on that, though.
I'm using a fiber internet connection these days, with Wifi to my Kiwi.
The one 150 miles away, I THINK he's on a cable internet connection, and direct ethernet to his router there.
My Kiwi:
The one 150 miles away:
If these are all proxy connections then I suppose it's possible that the proxy service is now at the breaking point. Although the 5 minute cpu utilization is only about 50% and the network is only roughly 20 Mbit/s.
I'd be interested to know if this problem persists if the connections are moved off the proxy service.
I think I found a proxy-related problem. More info soon..
Hi, since I’m using a SIM-based connection, I decided to change my modem (this is the third one I’ve changed) and installed a more recent model. Now it doesn’t freeze as often, but it still crashes after about an hour, whereas before it would stop every 15-20 minutes.
I also thought that the issue might be the proxy, which, combined with the SIM, could be causing these crashes.
Another thing I’ve noticed is the very high latency. Comparing my KiwiSDR to others, I have almost a 2-second delay! Can you confirm if this delay is mainly caused by the proxy?