new TDoA Bug [no bug, browser zoom issue]

edited December 2024 in TDoA topics

Hi all,

at the moment TDoA cannot be used any longer because the command field on left site is overlaped by the world map. The first 4 lines to insert further receivers an not visible. It is also not possible to click off this option with "X".

Any ideas ?


Bernd (DK9FI)


  • Do you have a screenshot? It works on my end. Perhaps a browser add-on messing with the layout?

  • Hello,

    I am using Firefox by the way und in November no problem here.


  • AGAIN, sorry:


    I am using Firefox by the way und in November no problem here.


  • That seems to happen if the browser window is too small.

    I don't think anything in the kiwi code changed recently in this regard, but maybe someone else knows more, or how to solve this.

  • edited December 2024

    I note a line across the top of your screenshot...

    "most up to date" etc

    Is that something you recently added in your kiwi config?

  • Hi,

    many thanks for quick reply.

    The problem was also with other KIWI receivers...

    I have made my info line shorter, no improvement.

    Than I played with the ZOOM of the browser and made the size (view option) smaller and IT WORKS now again perfect !


    73,Bernd (DK9FI)

  • Yes, the browser zoom control can be used to simulate a device with a small screen (in terms of number of pixels) which is what your screenshot shows. It is acting more like a tablet held in landscape orientation than a usual desktop/laptop.

    There is usually a keyboard shortcut for quickly setting the zoom back to 0%. On the Mac it's command-0 (zero).

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