Please Help Upgrading v1.707 to v1.800 on KiwiSDR 2 fatal error: 'kiwi.gen.h' file not found [fixed]

Please Help Upgrading v1.707 to v1.800 KiwiSDR 2 

I get to “m” command in upgrade proceedure and hit fatal error:

 fatal error: 'kiwi.gen.h' file not found

#include "kiwi.gen.h"


Many thanks for any help :)

Jeff 👽


  • Hi Jeff,

    Impossible for me to debug a weird problem like that without actually having access to the Kiwi.

    Is the Kiwi server still running? That is, can you still connect to the admin page? If so, does it have an admin password set and can it be accessed from the Internet? Please email the link/URL and admin password to if so.

    Alternatively, open the ssh port in your router and point it to your Kiwi so I can connect that way. email details as above.

  • Thanks for getting back to me. Yes the KiwiSDR is running. I did not make it publicly available but I can login and use it through Safari as a user. Due to the admin log off bug I only get Admin access for a few seconds before it logs off so I cannot change settings to make it public to give you access. Ideally I would like to know how to force it to update to v1.800

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