Stuck on v1.699?

While doing 'Check on software update' I receive the following response (after quite long delay):

Installed version: v1.699, built Aug 25 2024 02:54:52

Git clone damaged!

Something wrong with the download site?

Regards, Per


  • Are you running Debian 8? (Debian version shown on the admin status tab)

  • Debian 8.5

  • Okay, I have to write a long post about this situation as it has now become a huge problem it seems.

  • I then assume that this is a Debian 8 problem, I start upgrading our Kiwis over the weekend, it is already long overdue.


  • jksjks
    edited September 2024

    Okay, but if you've made extensive changes to your dx labels make sure you save them first using the JSON/CSV file save function on the admin dx tab.

    And if you've made extensive admin customizations that would otherwise be difficult to re-enter by hand then make sure you make an sd card backup using the admin backup tab. Because re-flashing using the Debian 11 image destroys all of your configuration. I can tell you how to move the configuration files from the sd card back to your new Debian 11 system afterwards.

  • Thank You for the warning about changes to dx labels, I will take care of the files. I will follow the steps in so I assume there should be quite straight forward. And in the worst case there would not be to bad to configure from scratch.



  • jksjks
    edited September 2024

    Yes, those instructions should be fine.

    I am sorry about this. I am editing this large post now. It is unfortunately completely unknown why Debian 8 is failing with And in only certain situations (e.g. I can do it from here in NZ all day long and not have an issue).

    But for security reasons updating from D8 to D11 is a good idea anyway.

  • I just had to update those instructions a little bit because of some changes to command alias and directory names in the most recent releases.

    For example, the instructions now say:

    Note the "or" alternatives below because some command aliases and directories were renamed recently.

    mosd1 or msd1p1

  • Many thanks John.

    Two KiwiSDR upgraded to Debian 11 without any problems and then updated to v1.701 by themself. One more KiwiSDR to go, but this is a 6 hour round-trip so it will be done i due time.

    73 de LA9XKA - Per

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