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Possible problem with KMTronic UDP switch operation?
re Antenna switch extension as now built in:
Trying to test switch operation, I see WireShark ICMP port unavailable responses from KiWi to any UDP data sent to it. Outgoing UDP packets from KiwI seem ok. I've tried the port as set in the config, and also the default 12345, and random ports - all with the same response.
What response does KiWi expect to see to turn the antenna button green, and on what port?
I'm just looking for confirmation the KiWi code works before diving deeper at my end.
In the file
try changing:NETCAT_EXEC="timeout 0.2 nc"
NETCAT_EXEC="timeout 1 nc"
This will make netcat (nc) wait longer for a reply from the switch. If that works then try 0.5, the goal being to find the lowest value that gives reliable results.