Error Antenna is grounded Kiwi2

For some reason when I manually trigger an SNR measurement I get an error antenna is grounded message.

Seems to be degrading my measurement by about 10dB but occaisionally I get a good measurement.

Tried rebooting by same result.

Running KiwiSDR 2, v1.698

Any ideas ?

73 Tim


  • jksjks
    edited August 2024

    Do you have an antenna switch setup? Or is the "switch device" set to "disable" on the admin antenna switch configuration page?

    If an antenna switch setup, is the option "Ground antennas when no users connected?" set to "Yes"?

    If "Yes", then you will get this behavior. Just because you do an on-demand SNR measurement the antenna switch does not switch out of ground mode. It was too complex to figure out what to do in this case.

    For example, what antenna would be selected? Unless a default antenna was configured, or only a single antenna was configured, it would be ambiguous which one to use. Too much complication. I have better things I need to be doing. Select the antenna you want to measure from a user connection and then measure it.

  • jksjks
    edited August 2024

    Okay, so there is one problem. If the server starts out with the switch device set to "disable", then you change it to a working switch (like the built-in "beagle-gpio"), you'll correctly get an "antenna is grounded" error if the configuration of the gpio switch is setup that way (ground when no users connected).

    The problem is that if you switch back to "disable" you'll still get the "antenna grounded" error. When it should be letting you do the measurement. So I have fixed this for the next release. Maybe this is what are experiencing. Apologies for that..

  • Hi Thanks for the reply

    The antenna switch has never been used and none of the option in th Extensions page have been changed. The webpage gui also shows it's disabled.

    I'm still running V1.698

    FYI I've had a fiddle with the switch settings even though I don't have a switch it sees to have cleared the issue (no more antenna grounded error messages) - so I think you're on the right track.

    Thanks Tim

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