Off-topic: EER SSB class-E modulation (QCX-SSB, µSDX, (tr)uSDX et al.)

edited May 2023 in General Chat

I'm way, way late to the EER SSB + class-E party and trying to catch up. I don't have the benefit of having read the hundreds (thousands?) of forum messages that have transpired in that community. More importantly, I'm having trouble following the development history.

Does anyone here have a good working knowledge of how to correctly apply EER SSB (envelope elimination and restoration) modulation to class-E PAs? Because I have some questions about the implementation details as seen in the current low-cost, QRP projects.

I've been working my way through this paper:


  • Hi John,

    I have sent you an email introduction to someone who may be able to assist.



  • Thanks Martin. I have replied to you both.

    I think I got my answer after lots of reading of ucx forum posts and Googling around. It's a complicated and beautiful subject. But also a tortured development history. Kind of reminds me of something 🙄

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