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Scanning Extension to quick check propagation

Is there an extension developed that one can create index tabs all being associated with a scan all channels extension with a distinct tag color. Say add a channel and tag and make it associated with scan extension so that when running the extension kiwisdr will scan all channels added to that group. E.G. you add all WWV, CHU time signal freq's as well as 10-15 specific interest freqs spread across the entire 30 MHz coverage area. So that you can just select SCAN and get a quick idea of propagation conditions at that specific time.


  • Would this extension be an accommodation for a blind person?
  • edited January 2019
    The problem with scanning and analysis is what metric do you look at: RSSI, SNR, BER? RSSI suffers from being a measure of the composite energy, noise+signal. More meaningful metrics are mode specific. WSPR was conceived for looking at propagation, see

    Looking at who W0AY in Montana hears would have relevance for you I think. He does wspr reports on a number of bands.
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