kiwid commands

edited May 2018 in Problems and Issues
kiwid has start and stop, how about a restart or reload command for use in scripts


  • Already there. See Beagle_SDR_GPS/unix_env/kiwid, the "restart" case. So in Beagle_SDR_GPS/Makefile there is this which invokes kiwid via systemctl and also has a "restart".

    enable disable start stop restart status:
    -systemctl --full --lines=100 $@ kiwid.service || true

  • do you think 

    I can cp the kiwi.json followed by a restart  and get away with that without a stop cp start like I use now?
  • Here's something better. If you do a restart and then the "ms" command (alias for "make status") you'll see that kiwid (the program) actually pauses for 30 seconds on startup. This is to let things like NTPd settle after a reboot. So you have a 30 second window in which to switch the json files around before kiwid even opens them. Should be plenty of time in a script.

    The problem with switching them just before a restart is that there is a small collision window in which kiwid could be writing the file at the same time you're switching them.
  • I can confirm that works fine!
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