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@dl7awl oke thats not difficult but connect the both pins or only one pin? Is that also with the 5VE pins?
@jks Hello, sorry only want to know which ot the two 5VE on the P9 i must use. Then i can make the bridge. Many thanks and greetings.
@jks Thanks, perhaps i will try that. For now i power through the mini-usb and it works perfectly.
Hello, i already mentioned that my T 301 CMC was burnt ( my own fault) from my Kiwi 1 , but when i tried to repair it with the messages here posted i broke of the CMC. Is it still possible to make a bridge? I told early its is now powered through th…
@jks Hello, after a while i realize that it could be that the beagle has not enough power, because i have a defect power on the Kiwi board ( the CMC is broken off by attempt to repair) so i dont know how to make a bridge at the moment. I took of t…
@jks @HB9TMC Hello Friends, i use a windows 11 laptop with RaspBerry PI imager and or BalenaEtcher, the image is 3 gb with and of course i use different sd cards. I think indeed there is a problem that it wont write the boot sector good. Could it h…
@jks Hello, thanks for answer, indeed i have made a backup of the Kiwi 1 according the manual. This sd card boots normally when i reflash the backup back. The everything works normal again. the image Debian 11 i write on sd card and i hold the boot…
Hello, i tried to update my kiwi 1 BB/GB but still no luck. I have made the backup on a 64gb sd card. I downloaded the image and burned into a sdcard and other sd cards from 4 gb up to 64 gb. Put it in the Kiwi 1 but it won't boot, everytime i ge…
Hello, I have the MLA-30 but sadley the reception with it was very bad. Even on the LW and MW is was terible. I have also a indoor Loop from Wellbrook but htis is picking up the noise badly. So only the Youloop was good for me. Thanks for your remar…
Hello, i use the original youloop indoor antenna from RTL-sdr blog shop. I live in a apartment so an outdoor antenna is forbidden. I know it is not good but for the most receptions i wil do.
@jks Sorry to inform you that after the perfect calibration of the Kiwi 2 there is no decoding and no messages are incoming. I try with the gps later and hope this works. for test i logged in a another Kiwi 2 server in my hometown who has a stron…
@jks send you the mail. Again thanks.
@jks thanks, i will study this. I am not a expert with this. I connect the GPS in the coming week. Hope i can resolve this.
@G8JNJ Hello, i did the test , strong signal. Kiwi 2 between -85.8 and -86 dBm and the Kiwi 1 -84.41and -84.7 dBm. All settings the same. That is almost equal i think.
@jks Done the test, 648 Khz Radio Caroline UK both kiwi’s give the same reading on the s-meter. Almost s9 but on the CWN mode the Kiwi 2 drops to s7 and the Kiwi 1 s8. Send you a mail with my ipadres.
The 26 dB is not the problem at the moment. I testet it. Thanks
They are not for public internet at the moment, i shall try this in the next week. Ill let you know, thanks in advance. I have read the 26 dB problem and try this also.
Thanks Martin, i will look into that. I have now conected the two kiwi's on one antenna with a splitter and get the same results. I hope the caibration will do something but i think honestly that my Kiwi 2 is really less sensitive. First calibratio…
@G8JNJ Thanks for reply , i quite new with the kiwi's (bought the defect Kiwi 1 2 months ago and Kiwi 2 i get 3 weeks ago) , perhaps stupid question how calibrate the s-meter and waterfall. The attenuator setting is 0db.
@jks yes i have the the BeagleBone Green I find it also strange, but i left it on for more then 12 hours and no problems. Many thanks for helping, i trie in the coming days again to open the cmc, if it stil fails then i thinking about bying the Kiw…
@jks Pitty don’t get it loose, i can power it luckely through the mini-usb without problems at the moment. Hope don’t destroy eventually the Kiwi.
@jks Thanks, i will try again
@jks I really want to know how you get off the plastic top from the CMC, i have the same problem but i get the top not loose.